胡一宁 主编
经过三年多的计划、思考、准备和编写,《实用英语教学法》终于问世了。《实用英语教学法》是为英语专业师范生编写的英语教学法教材,也可用于中学英语教师的继续教育和在职进修、培训。 《实用英语教学法》具有以下三个特点。 1.紧扣新课标。着眼新课改。紧紧围绕着《英语课程标准》的五大培养目标(英语知识、英语技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),全书内容分成七个部分:英语语言;英语教师;英语教学;四项技能;影响语言学习的情感因素;语言学习策略;语言教学中的文化意识。这种编排方法在目前国内英语教学法教材中还不多见。 2.选文有出处,内容具权威。全书所选的86篇文章几乎全部出自大家之手,其中不乏语言教学研究和教师教育领域的顶级人物和知名专家、教授,如:D.H.Howe,David Crook;George Herbert Palmer;Jeremy Harmer;F.G French;Harold E.Palmer;L.G.Alexander;Michael West。不仅反映了国内外英语教学研究的最新成果,还为读者提供了原汁原味、文笔优美的英语文章。 3.体例有特色。易学又实用。传统的、国内现有的英语教学法书籍和教材大致分为两类,一是原版影印加导读、全部由外国人编写的专著和教材;二是中国人自己编的或全英语或全中文的教学法专著和教材。《实用英语教学法》的特色在于,它的每一篇文章都由五个部分组成:摘要、正文、注释、思考题和名人名句,其中摘要和注释两个部分用的是汉语,这就为不同英语程度的读者读懂、读透每篇正文提供了帮助。对英语师范生来说,《实用英语教学法》是一本在英语教学理论和方法方面均有指导意义的教材;对于在职的大学、中学英语教师而言,《实用英语教学法》也不失为一本方便实用、随时可查的教学指导手册。
Ⅰ. THE LANGUAGE OF ENGLISH 1. The Nature of Language 2. The Purpose of Language 3. What Is Language For? 4. English, the Most Widely Used Language 5. The System of English 6. Bones of English 7. English StudyⅡ. THE TEACHER OF ENGLISH 1. What Makes a Good Teacher ? 2. The Teacher 3. The Function of the Teacher 4. An Excellent Teacher 5. As an English TeacherⅢ. THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH 1. The Four Clear Aims 2. English Teaching Aims 3. Goals of Language Teaching 4. Two Problems 5. A Good Beginning 6. Some Guidelines 7. How to Teach Well 8. Some Techniques in Teaching English 9. Misconceptions in Foreign Language Teaching 10. Learning a Foreign Language in a Classroom 11. Aids to Reduce the Teacher' s Talking 12. What Should the Pupils Feel about the Lesson? 13. Well-Mastered Lessons 14. The Assignment of the Lesson 15. Planning and Teaching a Lesson 16. Can Chinese Be Used in the Teaching in the Junior Forms? 17. Use Your Hands, Arms, Face, and Clothing in Teaching 18. Preliminary Factors of Linguistic Pedagogy 19. General Principles of Teaching English 20. The Use of Visual AidsⅣ. THE FOUR SKILLS 1. Language Learning Is a Skill 2. Four Essential Skills in English Language Learning 3. The Order of Presentation of the Language Abilities 4. Student' s Skills Count for More 5. Knowledge versus Skill 6. Learning by Listening 7. Listening and Comprehension 8. Extensive Listening 9. Selective Listening 10. Speaking English 11. Learning to Speak 12. Spoken EnglishⅤ. FACTORS AFFECTING LANGUAGE LEARNINGⅥ. STRATEGIES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNINGⅦ. CULTURE A WARENESS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING
I have personally inquired of a number of African polyglots just how they learned thelanguages of the neighboring tribesz. Almost without exception the story is the same: theywent to live in a neighboring village, or on some plantation, or in the mines they wereworking with people who spoke another language. But instead of trying hard to learn thelanguage, they seemed to just take it for granted that after listening to the language longenough, they would find that they could "hear" it3. "We just live there and listen and beforewe know it4, we can hear what they say." "Then we can talk," one American explained. Thisdoes not mean that he expected to be able to understand (i.e. "hear") everything in thelanguage before he said anything, but his whole attitude was one of passive absorptions,confident that his ears and brain would take in the language and that, without particular worryor concern on his part, he would be able to understand and to speak sooner than ever heimagined6. The African way of learning (language learning) is ultimately7 the best way to acquire aforeign language tongue for it is the natural way——the way children learn. Children do notworry about genders8, declensions9, conjugations10, and subjunctives. They just listen, repeat andput together words which they have heard (often with mistakes, but these are corrected by laterhearing). Listening is the basis of this learning process, repeating is the inevitable response.Listening, and putting words together in different combinations is the natural outgrowthu ofanyone s desire to communicate his desires and observations. The initial step in this processof language learning we call "passive listening".
Quite good.