李晶 编
Unit 1 Language Text Ⅰ What makes a global language? Text ⅡThe Language of Sport--Sporting CodeUnit 2 Cultural Differences Text Ⅰ Olympism, a Source of Cultural Inspiration Text ⅡCulture and ConflictUnit 3 Economy Text Ⅰ Economic History of America Text ⅡThe Sport Industry--Appreciating the History and Variety of Sport EventsUnit 4 Transportation Text Ⅰ Transportation and the Evolution of the City Text Ⅱ"From City Hall to Harlem in Fifteen Minutes!"Unit 5 Values and Personalities Text Ⅰ A Piece of Steak Text ⅡLove of LifeUnit 6 Emotions Text Ⅰ Mind and Medicine Text ⅡThoughts Unleash EmotionsUnit 7 Religion Text Ⅰ Contemporary U.S. Religion Text ⅡThe Super Bowl as Religious FestivalUnit 8 Advertising Text Ⅰ Controversies of Advertising Text ⅡAdvertising and SportUnit 9 Volunteering Text Ⅰ Volunteering and Values Text ⅡPioneer for the HomelessUnit 10 Environment Text Ⅰ Green Places, Good Places Text ⅡHow "Green" Is Sport?Unit 11 Novels and Movies Text Ⅰ Olympism on Screen Text ⅡPride and PrejudiceUnit 12 Science and Technology Text Ⅰ Darwin, Ahead of His Time, Is Still Influential Text ⅡThe Wave of TechnologyReferences
插图:The New Deal did not solve all social and economic problems, however.Consequently, governments since the 1930s have intervened to varying degrees inthe economy by legislation, by using regulatory powers to influence commerciallife or by controlled purchases from the private marketplace. But U.S.governments are not generally opposed to business and have themselvesinvested in private sectors such as research, aerospace, development anddefence. They aided economic growth in the nineteenth century, protected U.S.industry, farmers and manufactures against foreign competition by erectingtariffbarriers, used public money to encourage private business and gave land toprivate interests to develop transport systems. The economy grew and competedsuccessfully with European countries. Despite their embrace of free trade, U.S.governments not only still protect the national economy internationally, but alsohave problems in entering some overseas markets because of foreign tradebarriers.The economy grew after the Second World War (1939-1945) and by the1950s had achieved global dominance. Large corporations, such as Exxon,Wal-Mart, General Electric, Ford and General Motors, continue to influenceAmerican business. Some are multinational organizations owned by financialgroups (rather than individuals) with diversified interests and plants worldwide,but there are many smaller corporations and businesses (three quarters of thecorporate market) which create most jobs and can be very successful andinfluential~ Since the mid-twentieth century, the U.S. economy has experiencedperiods of high inflation, high unemployment, large trade gaps, governmentbudget deficits, international competition and recessionary forces. However, itgrew dramatically from 1994 with low inflation, low unemployment, stableprices, government budget surpluses, job creation and vibrant stock market,before suffering a slowdown in the early 2000s. It recovered somewhat by 2004,but there are still weaknesses in areas such as unemployment, job creation,stock-market volatility, inadequate exports, excessive imports and variable GDP(Gross Domestic Product) growth.