宋军,秦铁力 主编
《大学英语快速阅读》(4)为北京大学出版社出版的大学英语立体化网络化系列教材之一。共精选短文32篇,内容涉及中西文化、语言、教育、生活、媒介、历史、科技、人性、哲学、文学等,按主题分为8个单元。本教材突出选文的科学性、可读性和趣味性,阅读内容丰富、有趣、时尚;所有选材均为原汁原味的佳作,语言地道,表达准确。 本教材旨在帮助读者扩大英语词汇量,提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力,广泛深入地了解有关历史、文化、风俗、人情以及自然科学和人文科学方面的知识。本教材着重培养学生英语快速阅读策略和技巧的运用,通过本教材系统、科学的强化训练,学员的英语快速阅读水平可在较短时间内得到大幅度提高。
Unit 1 Passage 1 Why Teach Thinking? Passage 2 Dressing up and Body Language for Job Interviews Passage 3 Quality Schools Passage 4 How You Can Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Reading Speed!Unit 2 Passage 1 College Dorm Life and Beyond Passage 2 Landing a Part-time Job Passage 3 Tips to Maximizing Your College Budget Passage 4 Do You Need a Break?Unit 3 Passage 1 Saying Goodbye to the Double-deckers Passage 2 Traditional Bridal Showers Passage 3 April Fool' s Day Passage 4 What's in the Name of American IndiansUnit 4 Passage 1 D-Day and Saving Private Ryan Passage 2 Black Americans and Civil Rights Passage 3 Phelps's Mother Helps Her Son Find Gold-Medal Focus Passage 4 Mother Teresa: A Special Voice for the PoorUnit 5 Passage 1 How to Lose Weight Passage 2 Euthanasia Passage 3 Prenuptial Agreements Passage 4 Ethics Issue for Citizen SnappersUnit 6 Passage 1 Anxiety: How to Deal with It Passage 2 Saying No to the Net Passage 3 Cell Phones: A Love-Hate Relationship with Staying Power Passage 4 Up the Ladder, Step by StepUnit 7 Passage 1 Nuclear Energy: Can It Help? Passage 2 Urbanization and the Environment Passage 3 Does the World Face a Future of Water Wars? Passage 4 Extreme Weather: Is Global Warming to Blame?Unit 8 Passage 1 Is Earthquake Prediction Just Literature? Passage 2 The Love of a Robot Passage 3 Food Safety and Security: What Consumers Need to Know Passage 4 Can Stress Cause Women to Gain Weight?Mark Sheet Timed Reading Rate Chart Key to Comprehension Exercises
The answer is EDUCATION. It is urgent that we educate all Singaporeans, especially the young, to see the importance of being creative. In early June 1997, PM Goh Chok Thong unveiled his vision of "Thinking Schools, Learning Nation" and has led to numerous changes in the curriculum and also the training of teachers in the use of thinking tools. Many schools have started their own thinking program to keep in cycle with the vision. As with any new initiatives and programs, there are obstacles and problems along the way that will be faced by the schools. One of the major obstacles faced by Singaporeans at large is that we suffer from creative paranoia. Creative paranoia is a term I coined to describe the insecurity of most Singaporeans in their ability to be creative and as a result, they cease any attempts to be creative. Such negativity will definitely hinder Singapore in its pursuit to be a center of creativity and innovation. This is a major problem in the education of the young on creative thinking. The courses on teaching thinking by the ministry are necessary and a great help to many teachers who are wandering in the "jungle" of teaching thinking. In my opinion, the main concern of this paradigm shift towards a thinking culture in school is not the pupil's lack of ability to absorb thinking skills. On the contrary, perhaps it is the educators who are imparting the thinking skills to the young that deserve our attention. Are educators here psychologically prepared to be vessels of thinking skills to the future pillars of Singapore? Or, are we still victims of self-induced creative paranoia? We have to break the limits of creative paranoia first, before we, as educators, are able to impart the thinking skills to the young with strength and passion. Another problem of implementing a thinking program in school is the resistance to change of the teachers. Teachers who are used to their traditional methods of teaching may find the learning and use of new teaching strategies a chore for them. A word of advice to heads of schools who are planning to implement this program——NURTURE the change. A program will not be successful unless every member involved is ready for the changes ahead and is willing to undertake his tasks with responsibility and passion. Thus, the success of this program is inevitably dependent on the ability of the head of the school to communicate the vision and to gather support from the staff involved. In short, acredible thinking program should not just enhance the brain ware but also the "HEARTWARE". There is a need to inculcate a creative thinking culture in schools for thinkers (including staffs and students) to challenge them to seek continuous improvements. Slogans such as "DARE to CHANGE, DARE to INNOVATE" and other inspiring messages must be taught and be deeply fixed in the hearts and minds of our people. Yes, I have to admit that this is a revolution indeed! A "Thinking Revolution" that will ensure Singapore's progress and prosperity in these violent times as we marched into the next millennium. To conclude, this article does not seek to explain fully the workings of nurturing a thinking culture / program in Singapore's education system but to create an awareness of its importance to meet the nation' s future challenges. There will be glitches along the path towards the vision but I am sure we, the educators of Singapore, would THINK SMART and INNOVATE to ensure its success. So, should we teach thinking? The question is rhetorical.(961 words) ……
《大学英语快速阅读(4)(修订版)》是一套根据教育部新的《大学英语课程教学要求》编写的非英语专业快速阅读教材,适用于大学一、二年级非英语专业的学生或具有高中以上英语水平的阅读爱好者。 《大学英语快速阅读(4)(修订版)》编写目的是通过积极主动的阅读训练,帮助读者扩大英语词汇量,培养快速的浏览能力、准确的猜词能力以及独立的分析能力和归纳总结的综合能力。 《大学英语快速阅读(4)(修订版)》编写严谨,具有高度的科学性、合理性和实用性。选材注重信息性、趣味性和时代性。题材广泛,内容丰富,涉及科学教育、网络技术、风俗人情、饮食文化、假日旅游、语言知识和社会焦点等各个方面。