

张艳丽 编 北京大学出版社





张艳丽 编  




  《大学英语立体化网络化系列教材·普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:大学英语快速阅读(下)》具有以下四大特点:第一,注重能力培养:本着“管用,易懂,实用”的原则,归纳整理出常用快速阅读技巧,旨在帮助学生系统了解快速阅读的概念、要求和方法,以便在篇章阅读阶段中能够进行科学有效的自我快速阅读训练。  第二,选材丰富新颖:文章体现出较强的知识性、科学性、趣味性和时代性,使学生在获取信息、训练自我的同时,还可以开阔视野、增强跨文化意识、提高素质、激励人生。  第三,内容编排系统:本教程在编排上体现了循序渐进学习原则。篇章阅读部分的安排由浅入深、梯度合理,过渡适宜。练习设计也是先易后难。  第四,练习紧扣考试:本教材将平时训练与考试模拟相结合,紧扣近几年四级考试中快速阅读部分的题型变化和要求。


Unit 1Text A The Seven GiftsText B Animal LanguageText C Next Stop after GraduationText D Biz Books Preferable to PotterUnit 2Text A The United Nations: The World in One BuildingText B Carnival in BrazilText C Some Customs of IndiaText D American DressUnit 3Text A Working for the FutureText B Why Don' t Girls Think Like Boys?Text C Pop Stars Earn MuchText D Selfless SupportUnit 4Text A A Horrible ExperienceText B Can People Trust Each OtherText C Names and TitlesText D Method of Education: East versus WestUnit 5Text A Better Known as Mark TwainText B Computerized SupermarketText C Crime in ComputerText D How to Build Secure E-mails Unit 6Text A The First ThanksgivingText B Helen KellerText C Dolly PattonText D The First LadyUnit 7Text A Richard Nixon's ChildhoodText B Ten Principles of Health and IllnessText C Indoor PollutionText D AstrologyUnit 8Text A How to Become an EmployeeText B Advertising and Public Relations: The Pretty PackageText C Euthanasia: For and AgainstText D You' re FiredUnit 9Text A Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your JudgementsText B Why Not Speed Up Your ReadingText C Pets and AmericansText D Meeting an Old FriendUnit 10Text A Why Money Doesn't Buy HappinessText B How Should Teachers Be Rewarded?Text C The Thing I Really Like Is There's No TippingText D Should We Allow Curiosity to Kill the Cat?Unit 11Text A There' s No Place Like HomeText B Having Kids Makes You Happy?Text C The Virtual CollegeText D Choosing OptimismUnit 12Text A To Help the Kids, Parents Go Back to SchoolText B The White HouseText C Television Addiction Is No Mere MetaphorText D New "Green Revolution": Cleaner Cars and Energy Unit 13Text A The Web Way to Learn a LanguageText B Equality of Opportunity and CompetitionText C Reading Good BooksText D In Some Way DifferentUnit 14Text A Should a Kid Be Guided to Tell a White Lie?Text B Beauty Is in the Eye of the BeholderText C The Lost Gold PieceText D Noah's New ArkUnit 15Text A How Psychology Can Help the Planet Stay CoolText B StumpText C Amazon River Text D My Strange Beijing Friend练习答案


  (1) Do you know the old Arab story about a bird called the phoenixl? First itburned to death. Then it came back to life. That doesn't sound believable, does it Butthere is an example of the phoenix in our own time: The United Nations. In 1945, itbrought the dream ofworld peace back to life again after World War II.  (2) Since the day ofits birth, the United Nations has been the subject of muchdebate2. Some people attack the organization because they think it is too powerful.Others think that it is too weak. We can better understand this debate ifwe learn moreabout the U.N. and its history.  (3) The U. N. was started for two reasons. First, when the idea was born, people allover the world were tired of war. They were tired not just of World War II, but of waritse if. They felt that there must be peaceful answers to the world' s problems: They felt that only an international orgaruzation could keep world peace.   ……




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