都宁 编
北京大学出版社自2005年以来已出版《语言与应用语言学知识系列读本》多种,为了配合第十一个五年计划,现又策划陆续出版《21世纪英语专业系列教材》。这个重大举措势必受到英语专业广大教师和学生的欢迎。 作为英语教师,最让人揪心的莫过于听人说英语不是一个专业,只是一个工具。说这些话的领导和教师的用心是好的,为英语专业的毕业生将来找工作着想,因此要为英语专业的学生多多开设诸如新闻、法律、国际商务、经济、旅游等其他专业的课程。但事与愿违,英语专业的教师们很快发现,学生投入英语学习的时间少了,掌握英语专业课程知识甚微,即使对四个技能的掌握也并不比大学英语学生高明多少,而那个所谓的第二专业在有关专家的眼中只是学到些皮毛而已。 英语专业的路在何方?有没有其他路可走?这是需要我们英语专业教师思索的问题。中央领导关于创新是一个民族的灵魂和要培养创新人才等的指示精神,让我们在层层迷雾中找到了航向。显然,培养学生具有自主学习能力和能进行创造性思维是我们更为重要的战略目标,使英语专业的人才更能适应21世纪的需要.迎接21世纪的挑战。 如今,北京大学出版社外语部的领导和编辑同志们。也从教材出版的视角探索英语专业的教材问题,从而为贯彻英语专业教学大纲做些有益的工作,为教师们开设大纲中所规定的必修、选修课程提供各种教材。《21世纪英语专业系列教材》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材和国家“十一五”重点出版规划项目《面向新世纪的立体化网络化英语学科建设丛书》的重要组成部分。,这套系列教材要体现新世纪英语教学的自主化、协作化、模块化和超文本化,结合外语教材的具体情况,既要解决语言、教学内容、教学方法和教育技术的时代化,也要坚持弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神。因此,今天北京大学出版社在大力提倡专业英语教学改革的基础上,编辑出版各种英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识课程的教材,以培养具有创新性思维的和具有实际工作能力的学生,充分体现了时代精神。
本教材为了适应时代的发展和英语教学的需要而编写,供高等院校英语专业学生使用,也适合成人教育学院、民办院校、广播电视大学、远程教育英语专业学生及自考生和广大英语自学者使用。 本教材以《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》和交际话题的难易为依据,以功能意念为线索,融功能意念于交际之中,以日常生活中经常使用的话题为重点。在编写中努力体现听说结合、难度阶梯化的方式,选材注重实用性和趣味性相结合,贴近生活,体现时代特色。本教材在编写中借鉴了许多最新的口语资料,结合中国口语教学的实际情况,在编写练习的过程中,注重引导和启发,力求形式多样,内容充实,引导学生从模仿练习开始逐渐过渡到自己能够自然流畅的表达。全套教材共分四册,一、二册目标在于帮助学员打好口语基础,三、四册则侧重于培养学员的交流技巧,如公共演讲技巧、研讨谈判技巧等。每册16单元,配有录音。
Unit 1 University Life 1.1 Meeting for the First Time 1.2 Fun University 1.3 About Campus LifeUnit 2 Hobbies and Interests 2.1 Knowing More about Your Classmates 2.2 An Interview 2.3 A Journey to TibetUnit 3 The Weekend 3.1 What do People Do during the Weekend? 3.2 Eating Out 3.3 In the SupermarketUnit 4 Describing a Person 4.1 How to Describe a Person 4.2 Describing Yourself 4.3 Describing Your FamilyUnit 5 A Day of Wonder 5.1 Seeing new things in life 5.2 Building Others through Advice 5.3 EncouragementUnit 6 Traveling on Vacation 6.1 Transportation 6.2 YES or NO? 6.3 Travel ArrangementUnit 7 Foods 7.1 Ordering Food and Drink 7.2 Having Western-Style Food 7.3 Dining Culture in the WestUnit 8 Hotels and Restaurants 8.1 The World on a Plate 8.2 Checking In 8.3 Hotel FacilitiesUnit 9 Family 9.1 Family Life Past and Present 9.2 Family Life and Relationship 9.3 Family ResponsibilitiesUnit 10 Parties and Friends 10.1 Invitations and Replies 10.2 Talking to New People 10.3 Being aGood HostUnit 11 Shopping 11.1 Buying and Selling 11.2 Bargaining 11.3 Ways of PaymentUnit 12 Movies and Sports 12.1 Movies 12.2 Sports in the United States: for Play and Fitness 12.3 The Olympic GamesUnit 13 Favorite Holiday 13.1 New Year 13.2 Making Suggestions for the New Year 13.3 More HolidaysUnit 14 Internet Addication 14.1 Are You Addicted? 14.2 Compulsive Internet Disorder 14.3 Solutions to the ProblemUnit 15 Discovering Your Talent 15.1 Does Everyone Have Talent? 15.2 How to Discover Your Talents? 15.3 Develop Your Talents into StrengthsUnit 16 Sharing Stories 16.1 Tell Me Your Worries 16.2 Double Happiness 16.3 Fish for the Moon in the WellTapescripts & Possible Answers
Story 1 Jack was caught for counterfeiting a twenty dollar bill. As he gave the twenty dollar bill to the cashier, she felt there was something sticky on her fingers which lead her to inform the police that the twenty dollar bill may not be real. The police caught the man in the very act of making another fake twenty dollar bill in his room. He made it not through printing by machine but by painting it with a brush. The man was so talented in the art of painting that he could paint a bill so real that it was exactly the same with the real money. He had been doing this for some time. The reason he got caught that day was that he became impatient and didn't wait long enough to let the paint dry. In his room, police also found three nice paintings that he had painted. The man was a good artist. The proof of this lies in the fact that each of the three paintings can be sold for $500. Someone might say the man was lazy. He wanted easy money. Well, Actually it took him the same amount of time in painting a twenty dollar bill as it took him to paint a $500 painting! The man had a talent, he worked hard, but he did not know how best to use his talent. Story 2 Mary took up painting at the age of eighty-five. Did she think of painting for the first time? No! In her younger days, she did want to try oil painting. Friends and family discouraged her. They said, "Oil paints are very expensive. You can't afford to have such an expensive hobby and you can never make a living off it." So she never thought of it again. She worked as a cashier or a secretary all her life to earn a small income. As the age of 85 she finally bought the oil paints and picked up the brush to paint...In one year, she made more money from selling her paintings than what she had earned in her entire working life. ……
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