

王堃 编 北京大学出版社





王堃 编  






Unit 1 Chinese Geography
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 2 Chinese Culture
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 3 Chinese Religions
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 4 Chinese Ancient Architecture
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 5 Chinese Nationalities and Their Customs
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 6 Chinese Cuisine
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 7 China's Local Specialties
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 8 Tourism Resources in China
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practica] Training
Unit 9 Overview of Chinese Tourist Zone Distribution
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training
Unit 10 Etiquettes and Customs of China Major Tourist Source
Countries and Regions
 Part A Listening
 Part B Speaking
 Part C Reading
 Part D Writing
 Part E Practical Training


版权页:插图:G:AU right.good question.Let me tell you!It was initially laid out by a former government official named Wang Xianchen after his retirement from political life.He named.the garden after an essay by Pan Yue of West Jin Dynas~r——On Idle Living:“Building house and planting trees,watering garden and growing vegetables are the affairs(Zheng)of humble(Zhuo)people.”So the garden got the name of“Zhuo Zheng YuaJl”.T:Oh,I see.That sounds interesting.G:Well,before you tour the garden I think you’d beaer remember the layout of the garden;otherwise you may get lost or miss some important scenic spOts.The garden’S scenery is focused on a central large pool with numerous pavilions,terraces,bridges。chambers and towers among a maze of connected pools and islands.(Standing beside the lacquer painting)G:Ladies and gentlemen,please look at this painting.From this.we can see that thegarden could be divided into three parts.The east part Gui Tian Yuan Ju(return to nature、mainly consists of idyllic scenery.The middle part Fu Yuan is the essence of the whole garden,and its ponds and rockery are the best.The western part is called BuYuan,in which most of the buildings were built in the Qing Dynasty.A11 of the buildings are right next tothe ponds,making the garden look like floating on the water.After you have a clear ideaabout the layout ofthe garden.I'11 show you around this famous garden.Are you ready?T:We are eagerto see it at once!G:Here we are in the eastern part.It is the first part of the garden.Here We Canappreciate the main features of Suzhou classic garden.The eastern section is doRed withlush grasses,dense bamboo,overgrown plants and winding streams.It’S centered onCymbidium Goeingii Hall(Lanxue Tang),from where you can get a complete view of thegarden.We are going to visit the Celestial Spring Pavilion(Tianquan Ting),named from anancient well of sweet-lasting water.The pavilion has.eight sides which are double.eaves.Bythe way.does anyone knOW how many storeys the pavilion has?






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