兹维亚金 (Zvyagin A. A.) 北京大学出版社 (2012-12出版)
《中外物理学精品书系·引进系列8·关联电子模型中的有限尺度效应:精确结果(影印版)》系内容丰富,涵盖面广,可读性强,其中既有对我国传统物理学发展的梳理和总结,也有对正在蓬勃发展的物理学前沿的全面展示;既引进和介绍了世界物理学研究的发展动态,也面向国际主流领域传播中国物理的优秀专著。可以说,《中外物理学精品书系》力图完整呈现近现代世界和中国物理科学发展的全貌,是一部目前国内为数不多的兼具学术价值和阅读乐趣的经典物理丛书。 《中外物理学精品书系》另一个突出特点是,在把西方物理的精华要义“请进来”的同时,也将我国近现代物理的优秀成果“送出去”。物理学科在世界范围内的重要性不言而喻,引进和翻译世界物理的经典著作和前沿动态,可以满足当前国内物理教学和科研工作的迫切需求。另一方面,改革开放几十年来,我国的物理学研究取得了长足发展,一大批具有较高学术价值的著作相继问世。这套丛书首次将一些中国物理学者的优秀论著以英文版的形式直接推向国际相关研究的主流领域,使世界对中国物理学的过去和现状有更多的深入了解,不仅充分展示出中国物理学研究和积累的“硬实力”,也向世界主动传播我国科技文化领域不断创新的“软实力”,对全面提升中国科学、教育和文化领域的国际形象起到重要的促进作用。 值得一提的是,《中外物理学精品书系》还对中国近现代物理学科的经典著作进行了全面收录。《中外物理学精品书系·引进系列8·关联电子模型中的有限尺度效应:精确结果(影印版)》的编者们在这方面下了很大工夫,对中国物理学科不同时期、不同分支的经典著作进行了系统的整理和收录。这项工作具有非常重要的学术意义和社会价值,不仅可以很好地保护和传承我国物理学的经典文献,充分发挥其应有的传世育人的作用,更能使广大物理学人和青年学子切身体会我国物理学研究的发展脉络和优良传统,真正领悟到老一辈科学家严谨求实、追求卓越、博大精深的治学之美。
作者:(乌克兰)兹维亚金(ZVyagin A.A.)
Preface 1.Introduction 1.1 Why is the Topic of the Book Worthwhile Studying? 1.2 Thermodynamics 1.3 Statistical Mechanics:Simple Models. 1.4 Mermin-Hohenberg Theorem 2.Quantum Spin-1/2 Chain with the Nearest-Neighbour Couplings 2.1 0ne—Dimensional Spin Hamiltonian 2.2 Ising Chain. 2.3 Isotropic XY Rin9. 2.4 Ising Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field 2.5 Dimerized XY Chain 3.Co—ordinate Bethe Ansatz for a Heisenberg-Ising Ring 3.1 Bethe Ansatz 3.2 Simple Solutions of the Bethe Ansatz Equations:Strings. 3.3 Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz 3.4 The Ground State Behaviour 3.5 Magnetic Field Behaviour in the Ground State:Wiener—Hopf Method 4.Correlated Electron Chains:Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz 4.1 Hubbard Chain 4.2 t-J Chain 5. Algebraic Bethe Ansatz 5.1 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for a Spin-1/2Chain 5.2 su(2)-Symmetric Spin—S Chain 5.3 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for Correlated Electron Models 6. Correlated Quantum Chains with Open Boundary Conditions 6.1 Open Boundaries.XY and Ising Chains 6.2 Open Boundaries: C0—ordinate Bethe Ansatz for the Heisenberg——Ising Chain 6.3 Open Boundaries.The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz 6.4 Open Hubbard Chain 6.5 Open Supersymmetric t-J Chain 7. Correlated Quantum Chains with Isolated Impurities 7.1 Impurities in XY Chains 7.2 Impurities in Spin Chains:Bethe Ansatz. 7.3 Impurity in Correlated Electron Chains 8.Correlated Quantum Chains with a Finite Concentration of Impurities 8.1 Impurities'Bands. 8.2 Disodered Ensembles of Impurities in Correlated Chains."Quantum Transfer Matrix"Approach 9.Finite Size Corrections in Quantum Correlated Chains 9.1 Finite Size Corrections for Quantum Spin Chains. 9.2 Finite Size Corrections for Correlated Electron Chains 9.3 Elements of Conformal Field Theory 9.4 Asymptotics of Correlation Functions. 9.5 Persistent Currents in Correlated Electron Rings 10.Beyond the Integrability:Approximate Methods 10.1 Scaling Analysis. 10.2 Bosonization. Bibliography Index
版权页: 插图: Summarizing, in this chapter we presented the calculation of finite-sizecorrections to characteristics of exactly solvable models of quantum spinsand correlated electrons with periodic and open boundary conditions, withand without inhomogeneities. We reminded the reader the main featuresof the description of critical phenomena and conformal field theory. Thelatter was used to calculate the asymptotic behaviour of low-energy corre-lation functions of considered models. Also, another finite-size effect, thebehaviour of persistent currents for periodic correlated electron chains isstudied. The calculation of finite size corrections for Bethe ansatz-solvable mod-els was pioneered in [de Vega and Woynarovich (1985)]. The reader canfind calculations of finite size corrections for quantum correlated chains,e.g., in [Woynarovich, Eckle and Truong (1989); Woynarovich (1989);Klümper, Batchelor and Pearce (1991); Pearce and Kliimper (1991);Kawakami and Yang (1991); Barley, Klümper, Schadschneider and Zittartz(1993); Bariev (1994)], homogeneous chains with periodic (twisted) bound-ary conditions, in [Alcaraz, Barber, Batchelor, Baxter and Quispel (1987);Asakawa and Suzuki (1995); Frahm and Zvyagin (1997a); Bediirftig andFrahm (1997)] for chains with open boundary conditions, see also [Frahmand Zvyagin (19975); Zvyagin (2002); Zvyagin (2003)] for quantum chainswith impurities. The dressed charge technique was introduced in [Korepin(1979)]. I can suggest the use of, e.g., the well-known books [Ma (1976);Cardy (1996); Kadanoff (2000); Sachdev (1999)] for the description of crit-ical phenomena in the vicinity of a phase transition. The scaling hy-pothesis was introduced in [Widom (1965a); Widom (19655)], see also[Rushbrooke (1963)], and developed in [Griffiths (1965); Kadanoff (1966);Josephson (1967a); Josephson (1967b); Fisher (1969)]. The conformal fieldtheory was pioneered in [Belavin, Polyakov and Zamolodchikov (1984)].