Alberto Leon-Garcia,Indra widjaja
Prefacel Communication Networks and Services 1.1 Networks and Services 1.2 Approaches to Network Design 1.3 Key Factors in Communication Network Evolution 1.4 Book Overview2 ApPlications and Layered Arcbitectures 2.1 Examples of Layering 2.2 The OSI Reference Model 2.3 Overview of TCP/IP Architecture 2.4 The Berkeley API 2.5 Application Protocols and TCP/IP Utilities3 Digital Transmission FundamentaIs 3.1 Digital Representation of InfOrmation 3.2 Why Digital Communications? 3.3 Characterization of Communication Channels 3.4 Fundamental Limits in Digital Transmission 3.5 Line Coding 3.6 Modems and Digital Modulation 3.7 Properties of Media and Digital Transmission Systems 3.8 Error Detection and Correction4 Transmission Systems and the TeIephone Network 4.1 Multiplexing 4.2 SONET 4.3 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing 4.4 Circuit Switches 4.5 The Telephone Network 4.6 Signaling 4.7 Traffic and Overload Control in Telephone Networks 4.8 Cellular Telephone Networks 4.9 Satellite Ce1lular Networks5 Peer-to-Peer ProtocoIs 5.1 Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Service Models 5.2 ARQ Protocols 5.3 Other Adaptation Functions 5.4 Data Link Controls6 Local Area Networks and Medium Access Control ProtocoIs 6.1 Multiple Access Communications 6.2 Local Area Networks 6.3 Random Access 6.4 Scheduling Approaches to Medium Access Control 6.5 Channelization 6.6 LAN Standards 6.7 LAN Bridges7 Packet-Switching Networks 7.1 Network Services and Intemal Network Operation 7.2 Packet Network Topology 7.3 Datagrams and Virtual Circuits 7.4 Routing in Packet Networks 7.5 Shortest Path Algorithms 7.6 ATM Networks 7.7 Traffic Management and QoS 7.8 Congestion Control8 TCPlIP9 ATM NetWorksl0 Advanced Network Architecturesll Security ProtocolsEpilogueApPendices A Delay and Loss Performance B Network Management