《英美文学赏析教程》以文体为主线,打破了传统按国别与作家编排的模式,提供散文、诗歌、戏剧、小说等文体,覆盖了代表性作家的经典作品。《散文与诗歌》分册重点介绍诗歌与散文两大文体,共19个单元。每一单元均由文体导读、经典代表作品选读、注释、练习、选文语篇分析、推荐阅读书目六大部分组成。导读提纲挈领,选读作品涵盖英美,注释详细贴切,练习结合紧密、可操作性强,推荐书目可扩大学生眼界。这本书既有利于教师系统讲解,同时也方便学生自学。 本书适合广大高校开设英美文学课程的授课教师、英语专业学生及欲提高英美文学素养的人士。
Part One Essay导读I.IntroductionII.Selected ReadingsUnit 1 Classic EssayOf StudiesOf Beauty0f Wisdom for a Man’S SelfUnit 2 Periodical EssaySir Roger at ChurchUnit 3 Philosophical Essay(I)Nature(Excerpts)Unit 4 Philosophical Essay(II)Civil Disobedience(Excerpts)Walden,or Life in the Woods(Excerpts)Unit 5 Biographical EssayThe Life of Milton (Excerpts)Milton(Excerpts)Unit 6 Literary Criticism and Comment(I)An Essay on Criticism (Excerpts)Unit 7 Literary Criticism and Comment(II)The Art of Fiction(Excerpts)Part Two Poetry导读I.Introduction1.Attempts to Define Poetry2.The Externals of Poetry:Versification andProsification13.The Internals of Poetry:ImagerySubject Mattersand Themes4.The Genres ofPoetry5.Approaches Towards Poetry Text AnalysesIISelected ReadingsUnit l EpicParadise Lost(Excerpts)Unit 2 BalladTo the CtiCkoo1She Dwelt among the Untrodden WaysI Travelled among Unknown MenUnit 3 SonnetOzymandiasEngland in 1819Unit 4 ElegyElegy Written in a Country Churchyard(Excerpts)Elegy on ThyrzaElegyUnit 5 OdeOde on a Grecian U1TITo AutumnOde to a NightingaleUnit 6 Dramatic MonologueThe Love Song of JAl~ed PrufrockUnit 7 Hymanal StanzaBecause I Could Not Stop for DeathThe Soul Selects Her Own SocietyUnit 8 Lyrics(I)Kubla KhanUnit 9 Lyrics(II)一Sailing to ByzantiumLeda and the SwanUnit 10 Lyrics (III):PastoralStopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningNeither out Far nor in DeepUnit 11 Free Verse(I)Song of MyselfI Sit and Look OutUnit 12 Free Verse(II)In a Stmion of the MetroDancingThe Red Wheelbarrow[L(a]Sunset后记