书自第一版出版以来,深受读者喜爱。为了适应面向对象设计发展,第2版在保留第1版特点的同时,根据当前软件工程的发展趋势和教学特点,精心选择了最主要的基本内容进行介绍。全书包括14章和3个附录,分别为UML概述,对象建模,软件开发过程,餐馆预订系统的业务建模、分析、设计及实现,类和对象图,交互图,构件图,约束,实现策略,原则与模式等。 全书语言准确严谨,表达规范,简洁明了,很适合作为面向对象设计的英语授课教材。
Preface1 Introduction to UML 1.1 Models and modelling 1.2 Methodologies 1.3 The Unified Modeling Language 1.4 Design models and code 1.5 The software development process 1.6 Summary 1.7 Exercises2 Modelling with Objects 2.1 The object model 2.2 Classes and objects 2.3 Object properties 2.4 Avoiding data replication 2.5 Links 2.6 Associations 2.7 Message passing 2.8 Polymorphism 2.9 Dynamic binding 2.10 The applicability of the object model 2.l1 Summary 2.12 Exercises3 Software Development Processes 3.1 The waterfall model 3.2 Alternatives to the waterfall model 3.3 The Unified Process 3.4 The role of models in development 3.5 The use of UML in the Unified Process 3.6 Summary 3.7 Exercises4 Restaurant System: Business Modelling 4.1 Informal requirements 4.2 Use case modelling 4.3 Describing use cases 4.4 Structuring the use case model 4.5 Completing the use case model 4.6 Domain modelling 4.7 Glossaries 4.8 Summary 4.9 Exercises5 Restaurant System: Analysis 5.1 The purpose of analysis 5.2 Object design 5.3 Software architecture 5.4 Use case realization 5.5 Recording new bookings 5.6 Cancelling bookings 5.7 Updating bookings 5.8 Completing the analysis model 5.9 Summary 5.10 Exercises6 Restaurant System: Design 6.1 Receiving input from the user 6.2 Producing output 6.3 Persistent data storage 6.4 The design model 6.5 Detailed class design 6.6 Dynamic modelling of behaviour 6.7 A statechart for the booking system 6.8 A statechart for reservations 6.9 Summary 6.10 Exercises7 Restaurant System: Implementation8 Class and Object Diagrams9 Interaction Diagrams10 Statecharts11 Component Diagrams12 Consiraints13 Implementation Strategies14 Principles and PatternsAppendix A UML Notation SummaryAppendix B Summary of the Object Constraint LanguageAppendix C A Template for use case descriptionsReferences and BibliographyIndex