

Bhuvan Unhelkar Bhuvan Unhelkar 清华大学出版社 (2004-09出版)



Bhuvan Unhelkar 清华大学出版社 (2004-09出版)  


Bhuvan Unhelkar  


UML以其多视图、模型化、面向对象特征,被软件工程行业广泛采用作为一种通用的开发方法,基于这种方法之上的RUP从过程的角度提出了用例驱动、以体系结构为中心、迭代增量的统一过程模型,这种模型详细规定了初始阶段、细化阶段、构造阶段和交付阶段的交付项以及迭代增量原则。总体来说,无论UML和RUP都只侧重技术工具和方法学。对于一个成功的项目开发,迭代增量有效对质量管理至关重要。 本书从软件质量保证的原则、质量管理过程的组织与建立以及质量控制等三个部分阐述UML典型开发项目的质量管理活动、模型、过程、度量、控制技术和环境,具有较强的指导作用,可以作为高等院校的软件工程系列教材,也可作为软件工程技术管理人员的工作手册,是一本开发和管理高质量软件项目的重要参考书。




Foreword by Dr.Vicki P.RaineyPrefaceAcknowledgmentsPART I SETTING THE SCENE FOR SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 The Quality Game  1.1 Elusive Software Quality   1.1.1 Defining Quality   1.1.2 Quality and Objective Effort   1.1.3 Nature of Software   1.1.4 Assuring Quality: A Distinct Activity  1.2 Pressures on Quality   1.2.1 Budget   1.2.2 Time   1.2.3 Functionality   1.2.4 Quality  1.3 Quality Levels   1.3.1 Data Quality   1.3.2 Code Quality   1.3.3 Model Quality   1.3.4 Process Quality   1.3.5 Management Quality   1.3.6 Quality Environment  1.4 Quality Software Process   1.4.1 What Constitutes a Process?   1.4.2 A Sample Cooking Process   1.4.3 The Orthogonal Process Relationship   1.4.4 Process in Software Context   1.4.5 Software Process   1.4.6 Quality Process   1.4.7 Quality Assurance and Testing: Let's Not Confuse Them  1.5 Modeling and Quality   1.5.1 Purpose of Modeling   1.5.2 Modeling Caveats   1.5.3 Understanding Modeling Spaces in Software   1.5.4 Problem Space   1.5.5 Solution Apace   1.5.6 Background Space  1.6 UML and Quality   1.6.1 A Brief History of UML   1.6.2 Quality of UML versus Quality by UML   1.6.3 Metamodels and Quality   1.6.4 Quality by UML   1.6.5 Quality of Visualization   1.6.6 Quality of Specification   1.6.7 Quality of Construction   1.6.8 Quality of Documentation   1.6.9 Summary of UML Diagrams and Their Importance in Modeling Spaces  1.7 Quality Assurance Techniques of Syntax,Semantics, and Aesthetics   1.7.1 Quality Models-Syntax   1.7.2 Quality Models-Semantics   1.7.3 Quality Models-Aesthetics  1.8 Quality Assurance of Software Process: Necessity, Sufficiency, and Malleability   1.8.1 Quality of Process-Necessity   1.8.2 Quality of Process-Sufficiency   1.8.3 Quality of Process-Malleability  1.9 Reuse, Patterns, and Quality   1.9.1 Increasing Productivity through Reuse   1.9.2 Reusing Expert Knowledge and Experience   1.9.3 Applying Standards  1.10 Quality and Usability   1.10.1 Principles of Usability   1.10.2 Navigability of Interfaces   1.10.3 GUI Design and Quality  1.11 UNL-Based Projects-Types   1.11.1 Development   1.11.2 Integration(With Legacy)   1.11.3 Package Implementation (ERP,CRMS)   1.11.4 Outsourcing   1.11.5 Data Warehousing/Conversion   1.11.6 Educational  1.12 UML-Based Projects-Size and Scalability   1.12.1 Small Projects   1.12.2 Medium Projects   1.12.3 Large Projects   1.13 Putting it All Together(Key Points)   1.14 Bibliographic Notes   1.15 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)   1.16 Exercises   1.17 ReferencesPART II ORGANIZING AND ENACTING THE PROCESS FOR QUALITY 2 Quality Environment: Managing the Quality Function  2.1 Quality Management   2.1.1 Quality Environment   2.1.2 Nontechnical Management   2.1.3 Process and Quality  2.2 Team Organization   2.2.1 Organizing the Roles in the Problem Space   2.2.2 Business Analyst   2.2.3 User   2.2.4 End User   2.2.5 Domin Expert   2.2.6 Prototyper in Problem Space   2.2.7 Organizing the Roles in the Solution Space   2.2.8 System Desingner   2.2.9 Data Modeler   2.2.10 Interface Designer   2.2.11 Programmer   2.2.12 Tester   2.2.13 Prototyper in Solution Space   2.2.14 Organizing the Roles in the Background Space   2.2.15 System Architect   2.2.16 Prototyper in Background Space   2.2.17 Database Manager   2.2.18 Common Roles   2.2.19 Project Manager   2.2.20 Steering Committee   2.2.21 Business Sponsor   2.2.22 Organizing the Qualiy Team   2.2.23 Quality Manager   2.2.24 Quality Analyst   2.2.25 Process Engineer   2.2.26 User   2.2.27 Tester  2.3 The Quality Environment  2.4 ProjectSociology  2.5 Transactional Analysis in Software Projects  2.6 Popular Quality Techniques  2.7 Standards and Quality  2.8 Process Maturity: The CMM Standards  2.9 Process Checks  2.10 The Planning Deliveables  2.11 Bibliographic Notes  2.12 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)  2.13 Exercises  2.14 References  3 The Quality Process Architecture 4 Enacting the Quality Software Process 5 Estimates and Metrics for UML-Based Projects PART Ⅲ:TESTING THE PRODUCT : QUALITY CONTROL 6 Quality Control of Software ProductsGlossary of Acronyms and Important TermsBibliographyUML CASE ToolsProcess Tools Using UMLCD-ROM ContentsEpilogueIndex


  2.1 Quality Management  2.1.1 Quality Environment  This chapter discusses organization of the quality function, or quality management.It is effectively the tip of the quality context triangle(see Figure 1.2)-the quality environment.An effective quality environment includes the people who perform the quality checks,their organizational structure, and how those responsible for quality checks should interact with the rest of the Project members.Quality management is apart of Project management and, therefore,utilizes all aspects of management itself. This involves understanding the Project in the context of the overall business,identifying and organizing teams,putting together a detailedprocess,setting standards, facilitating modeling, managing external relationships, and So forth.  A well-organized Project team is also able to monitor and track Projects-a fundamental aspect of quality.When we organize quality conscious Project teams, we organize teams that can hit a "moving target" These quality teams bring together various players who will influence the Actual quality of the software and,equally importantly, will influence the Perception of quality with in the project.Therefore, quality teams bring people To get her who will understand the problem, produce the models, produce the product, test it, deploy it, and use it.Good Project teams also consider the roles that handle training, help desks,and So forth.




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