

邹晓燕 清华大学出版社









本书的目的在于切实提高读者专业英语能力。本书分13个单元,每个单元包括对话、课文、单词、词组、缩略语、难句讲解、习题、技能训练、旅游小百科、著名景点介绍等,并提供了习题的参考答案。 本书既可作为高等本科院校、高等专科院校旅游相关专业的专业英语教材,也可供从业人员自学。作为培训班教材,亦颇得当。


Unit 1 Introduction to Tourism Industry Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Tourism Industry Part Three Text B Tourism in China Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 2 Preparations Before Tour Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Prepare for a Tour Part Three Text B A Guide to China Tour Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 3 Travel Agency Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Introduction to Travel Agency Part Three Text B How to Choose the Best Travel Agency Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 4 Airport Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Procedures of Boarding a Plane Part Three Text B Check-in Online Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information World's Top Airports 2002 Part Six Guide to World Famous SighUnit 5 En Route Part One Dialogue and Broadcasting Part Two Text A On Route Part Three Text B Air Transportation Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 6 Arrival Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Entering the Country Part Three Text B Learn About the Airport Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 7 Ground Transportation Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Transportation Service at International Airport Part Three Text B Train Travel Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight Unit 8 Cruise Part One Dialogues Part Two Text A Cruising Industry Part Three Text B Cruise Industry Catering to Families Part Four Skill Training Forms Practical writing Part Five Related Information Part Six Guide to World Famous SightUnit 9 HotelUnit 10 RestaurantUnit 11 Sightseeing Unit 12 ShoppingUnit 13 Leaving 附录 参考答案 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13




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this book is uesful and valuable,especially for the students who major in english ofr travel. I like it .
