本套出版物的编著主题希望能够体现以下原则: 1 涉及学科前沿的重要发展趋势和研究成果; 2 反映交叉学科、前沿学科的最新进展; 3 具有理论或应用方面的重要价值。 为了有利于体现这些原则,本套出版物在编著过程中,在具有一定的系统性和可读性的前提下,可以有思维和逻辑的适度跳跃;同时,本套出版物拟采取循序渐进的递进式出版程序以及灵活的出版方式: 1 递进式的出版程序。2 灵活的出版方式。
吴镇远,Professor Emeritus of Aeospace Engineering of Gorgia Institute of Technology and Honorary Professor of the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautcs and of the Beijing in stitute of Aerodynamics,received his Ph.D.in Mechanical Engineer
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preliminaries 1.2 Differential Equations,Initial and Boundary Conditions 1.3 Major Assumptions 1.4 Vorticity-Dynamic Formulation ReferencesChapter 2 THEOREMS OF HELMHOLTZ AND KELVIN 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Kinematic-Kinetic Partition of Flow Problems 2.3 Kinematic Preliminaries 2.4 Helmholtz'First Vortex Theorem 2.5 Vorticity Loops 2.6 Kelvin's Second Vortex Theorem 2.7 Helmholtz' Second Vortex Theorem 2.8 Concluding Remarks ReferencesChapter 3 VORTICITY KINEMATICS 3.1 Differential Equations of Vorticity Kinematics 3.2 Vector Identities 3.3 Poisson's Equation and Integral Representations 3.4 Poisson's Equation and Boundary Conditions 3.5 Law of Biot-Savan 3.6 Generalized Law of Biot-Savart 3.7 Uniqueness of Solution 3.8 Boundary Conditions in Vorticity Kinematics ReferencesChapter 4 VORTICITY KINETICSChapter 5 VORTICITY-MOMENT THEOREMChapter 6 CLASSICAL AERODYNAMICSChapter 7 UNSTEADY AERODYNAMICS