本书一改以往商务英语教材中电报、电传占较大篇幅的特点,并增加了传真和电子邮件的内容。另外,本书按照外贸业务涉及的各个主要环节的先后顺序编排专题和各个章节,内容实用、全面。书后还附有各个章节的练习答案、外贸英语口语试题以及外贸英语试题,可供学生自我测试和学习。 本书可供外贸专业的学生使用,也可供外贸、经贸实务工作者及自学人员参考。
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing商务书信写作基础知识 Ⅰ. Structure of Business Letters Ⅱ. The Ways of Using the Writing Parts and Their Standardized Designs Chapter 2 Business Writing and Envelope Addressing商务书信和开信封 Ⅰ. The Language Characteristics of Business Writing Ⅱ. The Styles of Business Letters Ⅲ. Ways of Envelope Addressing and Their Standardized Designs Chapter 3 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系 Ⅰ. Establishing Import and Export Business Relation Ⅱ. Establishing Compensation Trade Relations Ⅲ. Establishing Products Consigning Relations Ⅳ. Establishing Sole Agency Relations Ⅴ. Establishing Bartering Relations Chapter 4 Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer询盘、报盘及还盘 Ⅰ. Inquiry Ⅱ. Firm offer Ⅲ. Non-firm Offer Ⅳ. Counter-offer Ⅴ. Declining the Counter-offer Chapter 5 Placing Orders订货 Ⅰ. Placing an Order for Men’s Shirts on the Basis of Samples Ⅱ. Buying the Exhibits at the Close of the Exhibition Ⅲ. Declining An Order Placed for Medical Apparatus Type XXX Ⅳ. Confirming the Order for Steel Pipes Type XXX Ⅴ. Urging Delivery of the Order for Quilting Frame Chapter 6 Letter of Credit信用证 Ⅰ. Advising the Establishment of L/C Ⅱ. Urging the Establishment of L/C Ⅲ. Checking the L/C and Requesting Amendments to L/C Ⅳ. Granting Amendment to L/C Ⅴ. Requesting Extension of L/C Ⅵ. L/C Checking and L/C Amending Chapter 7 Shipment 装运 Ⅰ. Urging the Delivery of the Goods Ⅱ. Shipping Advice Ⅲ. Booking Necessary Shipping Space in Advance Ⅳ. Shipment Packing and Shipping Marking Ⅴ. Non-delivery of the Metal Box Containing Tool Kit and Accessaries Chapter 8 Payment Effecting付款 Ⅰ. Urging Shipment Ⅱ. Asking for Cash Payment Ⅲ. Accepting the Installment Payments Ⅳ. Negotiating Payment Documents Ⅴ. Asking for Deferring Payment Chapter 9 Insurance保险 Ⅰ. Inquiring about Insurance Information Ⅱ. Answering to the Inquiry about Insurance Information Ⅲ. Offering Insurance Coverage Ⅳ. Claiming on Poor Quality Ⅴ. Settling the Claim Chapter 10 International Tendering国际招标 Ⅰ. Calling for Tenders Ⅱ. Sending the Application for Bidding Ⅲ. Accepting the Tender Ⅳ. Letter of Guarantee for Bid Bond Ⅴ. Qualification Document Chapter 11 Invitation 邀请函 Ⅰ. Informing the Visiting Intention Ⅱ. Sending the Invitation Letter Ⅲ. Sending the Delegation Composition List Ⅳ. Itineraries and Programs Ⅴ. Invitation Card Chapter 12 Resume and Job-application Form简历与求职表 Ⅰ. Resumes and Job-application Letters Ⅱ. A Resume Written in Items Ⅲ. Hunting for a Provisional Job Ⅳ. Hunting for a New Job Chapter 13 E-mail,Fax,E-commerce and EDI电子邮件、传真、电子商务及电子数据交换 Ⅰ. E-mail Ⅱ. Fax Ⅲ. E-commerce and EDI Chapter 14 Specimens of Documents in International Trade外贸英语单证 Ⅰ. Bill of Lading 168 Ⅱ. Insurance Policy (Certificate) Ⅲ. Draft(Bill of Exchange) Ⅳ. Certificate of Origin Ⅴ. Shipper Note Ⅵ. Invoice Ⅶ. Packing List Ⅷ. Commercial Invoice Chapter 15 Contract合同 Ⅰ. The Contents, Styles and Language Characteristics of the Contract Ⅱ. The Style and the Characteristics of the Contract Language Ⅲ. Kinds of Standard Contracts Ⅳ. The Ways of Preparing the English Sales Contracts for the transactions Ⅴ. Contract for Processing with Supplied Materials and Assembling with Supplied Parts Ⅵ. Compensation Trade Contract Ⅶ. Exclusive Agency Agreement Ⅷ. Joint Venture Contract 附录1 2000年外贸英语口语试题 A卷 B卷 C卷 D卷 E卷 附录2 2001年外贸英语口语试题 A卷 B卷 C卷 D卷 E卷 附录3 2003年外贸英语试题 Keys to the Exercises 练习答案