本书系统地总结了作者近年来涉及的嵌入在基于混沌的通信中的最基本问题——混沌信号的重构及其应用的研究成果,覆盖了关于混纯信号重构的基本问题和几个高层次的问题。共分为四个层次进行深入的论述:1在无噪声的信道里如何重构原始混沌信号,这是将Takens定理推广到时变的连续时间与离散时间系统,2如何通过噪声污染的混沌信号重构原始混沌系统的动力学,3如何通过噪声污染同时也被信道畸变的混沌信号重构原始混沌系统的动力学,4基于混沌同步的思想重构原始混沌系统的动力学。所有这些问题都是围绕基于混沌的宽带通信在实际通信环境里的实现为研究目的。 该书对于信号与信息处理、非线性电路、通信、智能信息处理和自动化等学科的大专院校高年级学生和有关研究人员具有很强的可读性和重要的参考价值,并能起到抛起引玉的作用。
PrefaceAcknowledgements1 Chaos and Communications 1.1 Historical Account 1.2 Chaos 1.3 Quantifying Chaotic Behavior 1.4 Properties of Chaos 1.5 Chaos-Based Communications 1.6 Communcations Using Chaos as Carriers 1.7 Remarks on Chaos-Based Communications2 Reconstruction of Signals 2.1 Reconstruction of System Dynamics 2.2 Differentable Embeddings 2.3 Phase Space Reconstruction-Example 2.4 Problems and Research Approaches3 Fundamentals of Neural Networks 3.1 Motivation 3.2 Benefits of Neural Networks 3.3 Radial Basis Function Neural Networks 3.4 Recurrent Neural Networks4 Signal Reconstrucion in Noisefree and Distortionless Channels 4.1 Reconstruction of Attractor for Continuous Time-Varying Systems 4.2 Reconstruction and Observability 4.3 Communication Based on Reconstruction Approach 4.4 Reconstruction of Attractor of r Discrete Time-Varying Systems 4.5 Summary5 Signal Reconsturcation from a Filtering Viewpoint:Theory 5.1 The Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter 5.2 The Unscented Kalman Filter 5.3 Summary6 Signal Reconstruction from a Filtering Viewpoint:Application 6.1 Interoduction 6.2 Filtering of Noisy Chaotic Signals 6.3 Blind Equalization for Fading Channels 6.4 Summary7 Signal Reconstruction in Noisy Channels8 Signal Reconstruction in Noisy Distorted Channels9 Chaotic Network Synchronization and Its Applications in Communications10 ConclusionsBibliographyIndex