《计算机网络》(影印版)著述清楚,内容广泛,全面概述了数据通信网络及其体系结构、设计和运行方面的基础知识以及这一领域内的最新动态。贯穿全书的案例和实例,重点强调了计算机网络的实际应用。 本书重要特色: 引导读者逐步理解基本概念以及形成网络的复杂方式; 首先介绍ISO-OSI模型和TCP/IP之类的基本联网技术、为后文奠定基础; 广泛讨论因特网、局域网、广域网及其各种访问途径; 从部门的角度和运营的角度讨论网络管理; 理想的双语教学用书,提供相应的中文版以及丰富的教学配套资源。
Stanford H.Rowe是Dow Corning公司通信实现系统的主要负责人(已退休)。此前,他担任过公司的电信经理。他在欧洲和亚洲组建过大量网络,主要负责网络和信息系统的规划与集成。
PART ONE INTRODUCTION Chapter1 Introduction and Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Why Study Network? 1.3 The Scope of This Book 1.4 Introductory Terminology Definition of Communication Definition of Tecommunications Definition of Network Acronyms 1.5 Basic Elements of a Network 1.6 A Brief History of Telecommunications Networks The Telegraph Network Early Telephone Networks Early Teleprinting Services Early Teleprinting Radio Teleprinting The Telephone Network Analog and Digital Telephone Services 1.7 Contemporary Examples of Networks SUMMARY PEVIEW QUESTIONS PROBLEMS AND PROJECTS CASE STUDY:Communicating with Employees Chapter2 Network Classification Chapter3 Network Architectures and Standards Chapter4 Introduction to ProtocolsPART TWO DATA COMMUNICATIONS Chapter5 Data Coding Chapter6 Data Communication Fundamentals Chapter7 Data Link Control Protoclos Chapter8 Transmission Media Chapter9 Communication CircuitsPART THREE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS Chapter10 Local Area Networks(LANs) Chapter11 LAN Systems Chapter12 LAN lnstallation and Opreation Chapter13 Wide Area Networks(WANs)PART FOUR INTERNETWORKING Chapter14 Internetworking Chapter15 The Internet Chapter16 Internet ApplicationsPART FIVE NETWORK MANAGEMENT Chapter17 Network Security Chapter18 Network Design and Implementation Chapter19 Network Management and OperationAppendixesGlossaryAcronymsIndex