水资源可持续利用与经济社会协调发展是人类面临的共同问题。2005年,“干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用”国际学术研讨会在清华大学召开,本书精选了会议的30余篇论文,以干旱区水资源可持续利用为核心,讨论了干旱区植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用机理、水循环系统模型及其构建方法、中国西北内陆河区水资源开发利用影响评价、干旱区水文及生态环境变化、水资源规划与管理、数字流域建设和现代节水技术及节水型社会建设等内容。这不仅对于西北地区的水资源可持续利用具有重要的促进作用,而且对中国其他地区水资源的研究乃至世界类似地区的水资源合理利用、科学管理和有效保护都有十分积极的意义。 本书可供水利、地理、资源管理等专业的科研人员、管理人员和相关院校的师生阅读参考。
Invited Keynote Papers Water Saving is the Only Way for the Sustainable Development of Northwest China Key Issues in the Sustainable Water Resources Development in Arid Oasis Assessment of Oasis Maturity and Ecological Security in Hexi Corridor Groundwater Availability and Renewal in Inner Mongolia, China: the Minqin Basin and the Badain Jaran Some Strategic Countermeasures for the Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Northwest China Scenario Planning for Irrigation Futures of the Goulburn Broken Region, Australia Characteristics of the Water Cycle and Climate Development in the Arid Environments of the Shule River Basin Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Droughts in the Wei River BasinOasis-hydrosphere-desert Interaction RS-based Assessment on Ecosystem Rehabilitation of an Extremely Drought Inland Oasis Hydrological Modeling of the Surface Water in the Shule River Basin Application of Three Parameter Estimation Methods of Hydrologic Model: Uncertainty in the Parameter Calibration Groundwater Influences on Hydrological Cycle in the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA Sustainable Groundwater Use in Arid RegionsWater Cycle Systems Modeling Defining Ecosystem Targets for Planning Environmental Sustainability and Assessing Water Development Impacts Distributed Modeling of Water Cycle System and River Flow Forecast in the Heihe Basin High Resolution Water & Energy Balance Modeling by Land Information System (LIS) in Hexi Region Water Balance of Forest and Grass Catchments and Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study in Hilly Region of Red Soil Economic Impacts Evaluation of Institutional and Technological Changes in Yellow River Basin Management Numerical Simulation Methods for Modeling Stream and Aquifer Interaction Hydrological Process and Characteristics in the Arid Plain Oases A Continuous Simulation of Runoff in a Small Watershed of the Loess Plateau with a Distributed Model……Development of Water Resources in the China North-West Inland Rivers and Impact AssessmentDevelopment of Water-Saving Technologies and SocietyAbstracts of Other PapersFull Chinese Papers
干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用国际学术研讨会论文集 PDF格式下载