Steven Nahmias 清华大学出版社 (2003-07出版)
Steven Nahmias
《Production and Operations Analysis,4th Ed.生产与运作分析(第4版)(影印版)》讲述了:国际著名学者Steven Nahmias所著《生产与运作分析》一书,以其翔实、精深的内容和严谨的体系著称,被很多国际著名的大学工业工程科系选为教材。该书内容涵盖了生产与运作系统和过程的各个方面,包括战略与竞争、预测、综合计划、对已知需求与不确定需求的库存控制、供应链管理、推动式与牵引式生产控制系统、作业调度、项目管理、质量保证、可靠性与维护等。书中论述条理清晰,易于被学生接受;拥有大量实际案例,特别是提供了一系列精彩的精简应用(Snapshot Application)实例,为学生提供学以致用的模板。书中例题与习题不仅数量众多,而且由浅入深,引导学生举一反三,对巩固知识、培养能力颇有裨益。
该书可以作为工业工程专业本科生“生产运作管理”或“生产计划与控制”课程的教材,亦可作为“生产系统”、 “设施规划”、 “项目管理”、 “质量管理”等课程的参考书。
作者:(美国)Steven Nahmias
Chapter 1 Strategy and Competition3Appendix 1-A Present Worth Calculations51Chapter 2 Forecasting55APPendix 2-A Forecast Errors for Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing106Appendix 2-B Derivation of the Equations for the Slope and Intercept for Regression Analysis108Appendix 2-C Glossary of Notation for Chapter 2109Chapter 3 Aggregate Planning 113Appendix 3-A Glossary of Notation for Chapter 3157Supplement 1 Linear Programming 161Chapter 4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand193Appendix 4-A Mathematical Derivations for Multiproduct Constrained EOQ Systems239Appendix 4-B Glossary of Notation for Chapter 4 240Chapter 5 Inventory Control Subject to Uncertain Demand243Appendix 5-A Notational Conventions and Probability Review 293Appendix 5-B Additional Results and Extensions for the Newsboy Model294Appendix 5-C Derivation of the Optimal(Q,R)Policy 296Appendix 5-D Probability Distributions for Inventory Management297Appendix 5-E Glossary of Notation for Chapter 5300Chapter 6 Supply Chain Management 305Chapter 7 Push and Pull Production Control Systems:MRP and 1IT355Appendix 7-A Optimal Lot Sizing for Time-Varying Demand 406Appendix 7-B Glossary of Notation for Chapter 7 410Chapter 8 Operations Scheduling 413Supplement 2 Queuing Theory 473Chapter9 Project Scheduling503Appendix 9.A Glossary of Notation for Chapter 9554Chapter 10 Facilities Layout and Location 557Appendix 10-A Finding Centroids626Appendix 10-B Computing Contour Lines 628Chapter 11 Quality and Assurance 635Appendix 11-A Approximating Distributions 706Appendix 11-B Glossary of Notation for Chapter ll on Quality and Assurance708Chapter 12 Reliability and Maintainabilitv 713Appendix 12-A Glossary of Notation on Reliability and Maintainabilitv 767Appendix:Tables 771Index 789
插图:One uses the frequency histogram to estimate the probability that the number of copies of the Journal sold in any week is a specific value.These probability estimates are obtained by dividing the number of times that each demand occurrence was observed during the year by 52.For example,the probability that demand iS 10 is estimated to be 2/52=.0385.and the probability that the demand is 15 is 5/52=.0962.The collection of a11 of the probabilities iS known as the empirical probability distribution.Cumulative prObabilities alSO can be estimated in a similar Way.For example,the probability that there are nine or fewer copies of the Journal sold in any week iS(1+0+0+0+3+1+2+2+4+6)=19/52=.3654.Although empirical probabilities can be used in subsequent analysis,they are inconvenient for.a number of reasons.First,they require maintaining a record of the demand history for every item.This can be costly and cumbersome.Second.the distribution must be expressed rin this case)as 23 different probabilities.Other items may have an even wider range of past Values.Finally,it is more difficult to compute optimal inventory policies with empirical distributions.For these reasons,we generally approximate the demand history using a continuous distribution.The form of the distribution chosen depends upon the his- torv of past demand and its ease of use.By far the most popular distribution for inventory applications is the normal.One reason is the frequency with which it seems to accurately model demand fluctuations Another is its convenience.The normal model of demand must be used with care,however,as it admits the possibility of negative Values.When using the norrflal distribution to describe a nonnegative phenomenon such as demand,the likelihood of a negative observation should be Suffciently small(less than.01 should SUffice for most applications) so as not to be afactor.
《Production and Operations Analysis,4th Ed.生产与运作分析(第4版)(影印版)》是由清华大学出版社出版的。