The Railway Children,中文译名为《铁路边的孩子们》,它是由英国著名作家伊迪丝·内斯比特编著。这是一部讲述关于美好心灵和逆境成长的感人故事。一家人遭到变故,父亲蒙冤被捕,三个孩子随母亲从城市搬到铁路附近的乡下居住。孩子们理解母亲养育他们的艰辛和因父亲不在身边所饱受的心理痛苦,因而尽力安慰和帮助母亲。同时他们又热心关心和帮助别人。正因为这样,才引发了一系列的传奇故事:他们机智地避免了一场可怕的铁路事故,收留了一位流亡的作家,扑灭了运河驳船上的火险,还救助了一位在隧道中摔伤的少年……他们高尚的行为赢得了人们的尊重,最后在好心人的帮助下为父亲洗清了冤屈。该书出版一百年来,被译成世界上几十种文字,曾经先后多次被改编成戏剧、电影、电视和卡通片等。书中所展现的传奇故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,全文引进该书对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。
第一章 故事的开始/Chapter 1 The Beginning of Things 1第二章 彼得的煤矿/Chapter 2 Peter's Coal-mine 15第三章 老绅士/Chapter 3 The Old Gentleman 32第四章 火车上的夜贼/Chapter 4 The Engine-Burglar 48第五章 囚犯和俘虏/Chapter 5 Prisoners and Captives 65第六章 挽救火车/Chapter 6 Saviours of the Train 77第七章 表彰英勇行为/Chapter 7 For Valour 90第八章 业余消防队员/Chapter 8 The Amateur Firemen 105第九章 匹克斯的自尊/Chapter 9 The Pride of Perks 118第十章 骇人的秘密/Chapter 10 The Terrible Secret 133第十一章 穿红色运动衫的猎狗/Chapter 11 The Hound in the red Jersey 145第十二章 波比把什么带回家了/Chapter 12 What Bobbie Brought Home 162第十三章 猎狗的祖父/Chapter 13 The Hound's Grandfather 176第十四章 结束/Chapter 14 The End 190
第一章 故事的开始 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Things 在一个现代设备一应俱全的红房子家庭里住着三个孩子:老大罗伯塔,大家叫她波比,老二彼得,最小的是菲利斯。 他们的妈妈不喜欢串门,整天在家中,喜欢给他们辅导功课、写故事讲给他们听。 孩子们拥有他们需要的一切。爸爸为人公道,从不发脾气;保姆和蔼可亲;家中还有一条叫詹姆斯的狗。然而,他们的幸福生活却发生了变化。 那是彼得刚过完十岁生日的一天,他的生日礼物——玩具火车头突然爆炸了,吓得詹姆斯逃出家去,一整天没敢回来。 大家看到彼得的眼睛红了,彼得说自己没哭,是因为感冒引起的。妈妈让厨师做了个鸽肉馅饼,他只吃了一点点,感冒就好多了。 妈妈作了一首诗逗彼得开心。诗中写到了他心爱的火车头不小心爆炸了,然后他生病了,是一块鸽肉馅饼治好了他的病。并写到如果再让他吃馅饼,他一定还要。 彼得的爸爸三四天后回来了,他的手很巧,原来的木马坏了,木匠都认为修不好了,可他照样把它修好了。 等到爸爸吃完饭后,妈妈提到了火车头的事,彼得讲述了那次事故并拿出了火车头剩余的部件。爸爸看后,告诉他能修好,但要等到星期六。 They were not railway children to begin with. I don’t suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to Maskelyne and Cook’s, the Pantomime, Zoological Gardens, and Madame Tussaud’s. They were just ordinary suburban children, and they lived with their Father and Mother in an ordinary red-brick-fronted villa, with coloured glass in the front door, a tiled passage that was called a hall, a bath-room with hot and cold water, electric bells, French windows, and a good deal of white paint, and ‘every modern convenience’, as the house-agents say. There were three of them. Roberta was the eldest. Of course, Mothers never have favourites, but if their Mother had had a favourite, it might have been Roberta. Next came Peter, who wished to be an Engineer when he grew up; and the youngest was Phyllis, who meant extremely well. Mother did not spend all her time in paying dull calls to dull ladies, and sitting dully at home waiting for dull ladies to pay calls to her. She was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home-lessons. Besides this she used to write stories for them while they were at school, and read them aloud after tea, and she always made up funny pieces of poetry for their birthdays and for other great occasions, such as the christening of the new kittens, or the refurnishing of the doll’s house, or the time when they were getting over the mumps. These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys, and a Mother Goose wall-paper. They had a kind and merry nursemaid, and a dog who was called James, and who was their very own. They also had a Father who was just perfect—never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game—at least, if at any time he was not ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he couldn’t help himself. You will think that they ought to have been very happy. And so they were, but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the Red Villa was over and done with, and they had to live a very different life indeed. The dreadful change came quite suddenly. Peter had a birthday—his tenth. Among his other presents was a model engine more perfect than you could ever have dreamed of. The other presents were full of charm, but the Engine was fuller of charm than any of the others were.
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