

张文霞,耿娟 编 清华大学出版社





张文霞,耿娟 编  




  《英语口语与听力教程》(下)主要供中小学英语教师使用,也适合具有一定英语基础的英语爱好者学习使用。  一、 本书的主要内容  本书包括14个单元。每个单元由Topic、Teaching Focus、Lead-in Activities、Listening and Speaking Practice和Useful Expressions构成。Topic部分主要指出本单元的主题或核心话题。Teaching Focus是本单元的教学重点。Lead-in Activities这一部分有3~4个语言任务,主要包括导入性的听力练习和基于此练习的口语交流实践,还包括简短的对话和陈述。Listening and Speaking Practice这一部分有 5~6个语言实践活动,主要包括较长的对话和较复杂的叙述。这部分的练习可以帮助读者提高对复杂语言活动的宏观理解能力和概括表达能力。最后一部分是Useful Expressions,主要向读者介绍跟本单元主题和教学重点相关的语言点。  二、 本书的特点  1. 本书的编写严谨规范,体现了教育部新课标对英语教学的新要求和新标准,并着重指导教育工作者将新要求和新标准落实到具体的教学实践中。  2. 在我国各行各业都积极扶持贫困落后地区的各项事业发展这一宏大的历史和现实背景下,本书的主要编写人员多次到全国各地的贫困落后地区进行实地调研,亲身体会了贫困落后地区英语教学的现状和困境。针对种种迫切需要改观的实际情况,本书编者改变了以往的英语教材的编著方式,使得本书具有较强的针对性,有助于提高贫困落后地区的英语师资水平。  3. 本书难易适中。对贫困落后地区的英语教育工作者而言,本书有助于他们丰富和提高自身的英语授课水平,同时,也有助于他们提高自身的英语语言能力。  4. 本书重点突出,层次分明。全书的各个单元都有导入性练习(Lead-in Activities)和实际操练(Listening and Speaking Practice),这些练习都围绕单元主题和教学重点展开。同时,Useful Expressions部分又为本单元的主题和教学重点提供了丰富的补充资料和语言知识。  5. 本书配有原汁原味的英文语音材料,这些材料发音纯正,语速适中,适于读者模仿。读者通过各单元的听说练习,可以提高英语听说水平。  6. 本书的目标读者群是乡村中学教师。考虑到目前我国乡村英语教师的教学水平和乡村英语教学的实际情况,本书为读者提供了较丰富的课堂用语样例。这些样例旨在抛砖引玉,教师可以仿照这些样例在实际的课堂教学中自由发挥,灵活运用。本书的这一特点在国内各类英语教学类图书中是独一无二的,这也是本书的最大亮点之一。


  《英语口语与听力教程(下)》是“清华大学基础英语教师培训系列教材”之一,专为全国中小学英语教师量身打造。《英语口语与听力教程(下)》遵循“实用为主、切合教学实际”的原则,紧密结合教育部制订的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》安排学习板块并设计练习。设计练习时,既充分考虑课堂教学的实际,又着眼于提高偏远和贫困地区中小学英语教师自身的业务能力和水平。此外,《英语口语与听力教程(下)》还提供了较为丰富的课堂用语样例,以备教学实际参考之用。  《英语口语与听力教程(下)》主要供中小学英语教师使用,也适合具有一定英语基础的英语爱好者学习、使用。版权所有,侵权必究。


Unit 1 What Should I Do?1Topic: problems and advice1Teaching Focus: talking about problems, asking for and giving advice1Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities 1Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice5Ⅲ. Useful Expressions10Unit 2 Could You Tell Us What Happened?11Topic: past events 11Teaching Focus: talking about past events and experiences11Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities11Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice15Ⅲ. Useful Expressions19Unit 3 What Does It Look Like? 21Topic: giving descriptions21Teaching Focus: describing objects and persons21Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities21Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice26Ⅲ. Useful Expressions28Unit 4 What Are Your Hobbies?30Topic: hobbies30Teaching Focus: talking about hobbies, likes and dislikes30Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities30Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice34Ⅲ. Useful Expressions39Unit 5 Would You Mind Turning Down The Music?41Topic: complaints and requests41Teaching Focus: expressing complaints and requests41Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities41Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice45Ⅲ. Useful Expressions49Unit 6 It Is A Nice Day, Isnt It?52Topic: small talk 52Teaching Focus:greeting, saying good-bye, and making small talk 52Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities52Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice54Ⅲ. Useful Expressions60Unit 7 May I Do That?63Topic: rules63Teaching Focus: talking about permission and forbiddance63Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities63Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice67Ⅲ. Useful Expressions71Unit 8 It Must Belong To Jane73Topic: task 73Teaching Focus: making analysis and inference 73Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities73Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice78Ⅲ. Useful Expressions82Unit 9 What Would You Do?84Topic: imaginary situations84Teaching Focus: talking about imaginary situations 84Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities84Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice87Ⅲ. Useful Expressions92Unit 10 Where Would You Like To Travel?94Topic: travel 94Teaching Focus: talking about travel or vacation experiences 94Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities94Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice97Ⅲ. Useful Expressions101Unit 11 Can I Help You With That? 103Topic: help103Teaching Focus: asking for or offering help, giving appropriate response103Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities103Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice106Ⅲ. Useful Expressions110Unit 12 Could You Tell Me Where The Bank Is? 113Topic: getting around 113Teaching Focus: asking for information 113Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities113Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice116Ⅲ. Useful Expressions119Unit 13 Rainy Days Make Me Sad 121Topic: feelings 121Teaching Focus: talking about how things affect you 121Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities121Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice124Ⅲ. Useful Expressions128Unit 14 I Dont Agree With You On That 132Topic: opinion exchange132Teaching Focus: debating or discussing an issue 132Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities132Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice135Ⅲ. Useful Expressions141Appendix Recording Scripts144韩莹 7:56:59Unit 1 What Should I Do?1Topic: problems and advice1Teaching Focus: talking about problems, asking for and giving advice1Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities 1Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice5Ⅲ. Useful Expressions10Unit 2 Could You Tell Us What Happened?11Topic: past events 11Teaching Focus: talking about past events and experiences11Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities11Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice15Ⅲ. Useful Expressions19Unit 3 What Does It Look Like? 21Topic: giving descriptions21Teaching Focus: describing objects and persons21Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities21Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice26Ⅲ. Useful Expressions28Unit 4 What Are Your Hobbies?30Topic: hobbies30Teaching Focus: talking about hobbies, likes and dislikes30Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities30Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice34Ⅲ. Useful Expressions39Unit 5 Would You Mind Turning Down The Music?41Topic: complaints and requests41Teaching Focus: expressing complaints and requests41Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities41Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice45Ⅲ. Useful Expressions49Unit 6 It Is A Nice Day, Isnt It?52Topic: small talk 52Teaching Focus:greeting, saying good-bye, and making small talk 52Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities52Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice54Ⅲ. Useful Expressions60Unit 7 May I Do That?63Topic: rules63Teaching Focus: talking about permission and forbiddance63Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities63Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice67Ⅲ. Useful Expressions71Unit 8 It Must Belong To Jane73Topic: task 73Teaching Focus: making analysis and inference 73Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities73Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice78Ⅲ. Useful Expressions82Unit 9 What Would You Do?84Topic: imaginary situations84Teaching Focus: talking about imaginary situations 84Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities84Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice87Ⅲ. Useful Expressions92Unit 10 Where Would You Like To Travel?94Topic: travel 94Teaching Focus: talking about travel or vacation experiences 94Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities94Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice97Ⅲ. Useful Expressions101Unit 11 Can I Help You With That? 103Topic: help103Teaching Focus: asking for or offering help, giving appropriate response103Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities103Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice106Ⅲ. Useful Expressions110Unit 12 Could You Tell Me Where The Bank Is? 113Topic: getting around 113Teaching Focus: asking for information 113Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities113Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice116Ⅲ. Useful Expressions119Unit 13 Rainy Days Make Me Sad 121Topic: feelings 121Teaching Focus: talking about how things affect you 121Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities121Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice124Ⅲ. Useful Expressions128Unit 14 I Dont Agree With You On That 132Topic: opinion exchange132Teaching Focus: debating or discussing an issue 132Ⅰ. Lead-in Activities132Ⅱ. Listening and Speaking Practice135Ⅲ. Useful Expressions141Appendix Recording Scripts144




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