王艳萍 主编
涉外秘书是我国当前和今后的热门职业,也是一种国际化的职业。涉外秘书资格证对广大劳动者,尤其对高职高专的学生系统地学习涉外秘书英语专业知识和技能,提高就业能力、工作能力和职业转换能力有着重要的作用和意义,也为企业合理用工以及职业院校的学生或社会劳动者自主择业提供了依据。 为适应国际商务的蓬勃发展,满足市场对涉外秘书人才的需求,我们认真分析涉外秘书岗位的职业特点,深入调查和研究了在外企工作的秘书人员的实际情况,走访了大量历届秘书英语专业毕业生并仔细研究涉外秘书英语真题,发现攻克涉外秘书英语资格证(中级)考试重在阅读和写作能力的完善和提高。 正是基于这种国际和市场需求,我们将文秘业务与英语实用能力相结合,强调读、说和写的能力在文秘英语工作中的实战应用,编写了这本《秘书英语》,旨在使更多的人取得涉外秘书英语资格证,从而培养出更多的实用型涉外秘书人才。 适用性和知识性是本书的主要特色。本书从实用能力出发,重点培养读、说和写的能力。全书分为三部分。读和写部分围绕秘书日常工作展开,包括求职应聘、接打电话和收发电子邮件、办公室的归档系统、阅读留言簿、备忘录和通知、信函处理、处理办公室紧急事件、办公室接待工作、旅行安排、办理邮局和银行事务、在饭店、安排会议和识别运用商务文件。内容涵盖了日常秘书工作的全部活动,知识性强,情景对话逼真、要点讲解精练、例句词汇清晰。知识和操练相结合利于学生掌握。写作部分围绕秘书工作中的各类商务文书写作展开,内容包括商务、个人和家庭类信件。遵循实用性原则,每种文书的编写说明简练,有三个例文,实用,明了,语言规范,重点难点突出,内容精练简单易懂,知识系统,突出实用性原则。
本教材立足于文秘岗位,较好地体现了本职业对英语知识和技能的要求,从实际出发,侧重英语听力、口语、阅读和应用文写作能力的培养,突出了高职高专的特点,即“实用为主,够用为度”的原则。 本教材适用于秘书英语初级和中级阶段使用,分为十二个单元,每个单元由阅读、听说和应用文写作三部分组成,对听、说、读、写、译各种能力进行综合训练,能满足秘书人员在工作岗位上的实际需要。 本教材可供高等职业技术学校文秘专业学生使用,也可用作秘书职业技能培训和秘书英语鉴定考核教材(初级和中级),还可供相关从业人员参加秘书职业培训、岗位培训和就业培训时使用。
Unit One Job Interview as a Secretary 1.1 Reading Reading Activity 1 Variety of Jobs Reading Activity 2 Self-assessment in a Job Reading Activity 3 Job Strategies 1.2 Speaking Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 1.3 Writing Resume A Letter of ApplicationUnit Two Telephone and E-mail 2.1 Reading Reading Activity 1 Difference between Shorthand Typist and Secretaries Reading Activity 2 Telephone Reading Activity 3 Telephone Skill 2.2 Speaking Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 2.3 Writing Telephone Message E-mail Sentence Writing Unit 2 AnswersUnit Three The Filing System in the Office 3.1 Reading Reading Activity 1 Filing System Reading Activity 2 Three Basic Types of Filing Arrangement Reading Activity 3 Questions about Your Filing System 3.2 Speaking Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 3.3 Writing Telex Sentence Writing Unit 3 AnswersUnit Four Message Pads, Memos and Notices 4.1 Reading Reading Activity 1 Message Pads Reading Activity 2 Memos Reading Activity 3 Notices 4.2 Speaking Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 4.3 Writing Memo Notice Sent ence Writing Unit 4 AnswersUnit Five Letter Processing 5.1 Reading Reading Activity 1 Kinds of letters and Parts Reading Activity 2 A Letter of Inquiry 5.2 Speaking Dialogue I Dialogue 2 5.3 Writing A Letter of Establishing Business Relations Sentence Writing ……Unit Six Dealing with Office EmergencyUnit Seven Reception in the OfficeUnit Eight Travel ArrangementUnit Nine Post Office and BankUnit Ten At the RestaurantUnit Eleven Preparing and MeetingUnit Twelve Business Documents涉外秘书(中级)英语考核模拟试卷(一)涉外秘书(中级)英语考核模拟试卷(二)涉外秘书(中级)英语考核模拟试卷(三)参考文献
S.Thats why message pads,memos and notices are also of greater importance to take note of what one has done, or what has already been done. M. If you are the manager of an advertisement company and you ask me how I can make a notice for all the staff to know that there will be a delay in the salary payment. What would you expect me to say? S.Id like you not to rush to say anything about it because its very sensitive. Most workers like to complain about it. For example,one year ago,I read a sit- down strike done by the workers in a factory because of long working hours anddelayed payment. M. Alright you are informed as we said. Now does it require someone to be well organized and careful when dealing with such items? S.Information is very significant in this sector of organization. I remember onesecretary was told to make a notice for all the workers when the boss was not going to be around for one week due to the loss of his brother.A noticeappeared on the notice board having the following words. "The management regrets to inform all the workers that we have lost our lovely manager. " Everyone was shocked and that day there was no work at all. I guess you knowwhat led to such chaos.
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