

萨特泽/Saltzer,卡肖克/Kaashoek 清华大学出版社











本书由计算机系统设计的权威专家、美国麻省理工学院Saltzer和Kaashoek教授编写。本书是第一本阐述计算机系统设计中的基本原理和抽象的教材,是麻省理工开放式课程计划(MIT Open Courseware)中“计算机系统工程”课程的主教材。计算机系统的基本原理横跨于操作系统、网络、数据库、分布式系统、程序设计语言、软件工程以及计算机体系结构等方面。通过详细分析每个基本原理的案例,本书演示了如何应用这些原理和抽象来解决实际的计算机系统设计问题。本书的重点是计算机系统的设计,因此,本书阐述了那些在实践中已证明是成功的抽象概念,如命令、远程过程调用、客户/服务器组织结构、文件系统、事务处理、修复复制、读/写一致性,以及认证与保密消息等概念。这些抽象概念使得计算机系统设计者可以用功能日益强大的模块来构建计算机系统,保护计算机系统避免从意外的编程错误到恶意入侵在内的各种故障。本书描述了如何实现这些抽象概念,演示了如何把它们应用于不同的系统,为读者日后的设计工作打下基础。


作者:(美国)萨特泽(Jerome H.Saltzer) (美国)卡肖克(M.Frans Kaashoek)Jerome H.Saltzer received the degree of Sc.D.in the field of ElectricaI Engineering in 1 966 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Since 1966 he has been a faculty member in M.I.I.'s Department of ElectricaI Engineering and Computer Science,where he helped to formulate the original undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science.At the M.I.T Computer Science and ArtificiaI Intelligence Laboratory he designed one of the earliest widely-used wo rd..processing systems;he participated in the development of the Multics system,for which he designed the kerneI thread package and with students and colleagues developed the secu rity mechanisms and what would today be known as a microkernel;together with David Clark and David Reed.he articulated the end-to-end argument.a key organizing principle of the Internet;and he was also involved in the design of a token.passing ring IocaI area network.the networking of personal computers,the Kerberos single login authentication system.and digital library systems.Professo r Saltzer was TechnicaI Director of M.I.T Project Athena.a system for undergraduate education and an ea rly example of a system of organization now called"cloud computing".Th roughout his work.he has had a particular interest in the impact of computer systems on privacy and the risks of depending on fragile technology.Professor Saltzer is a member of the NationaI Academy of Engineering.a Fellow of the IEEE and the AAAS,a member of the Association for Computing Machinery.the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy.the Catalog Raisonne Schola rs Association,a former member of the Computer Science and TelecommunicatiOns Board of the National Resea rch Council.and a former member of the Mayor's Telecommunications Advisory Board for the City of Newton.Massachusetts.M.Frans Kaashoek received his Ph.D.in 1992 from the Vriie Universiteit in Amsterdam.The Netherlands.fOr his work on g roup communication in the Amoeba distributed operating system,under the supervision of A.S.Tanenbaum.Since 1 993 he has been a facuity member in M.I.T's Department of ElectricaI Enqineering and Compute r Science.where he and Professor Saltzer co-developed the core undergraduate subject on fhe design of computer systems.Professor Kaashoek is a membe r of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.whe re his principal field of inte rest is designing and building compute r systems.He co.1eads the paralleI and distributed operating systems group.His past research in collaboration with colleaques and students includes the exokernel operating system,the Click modular router,the RON overlay.the self.certifying file system,the Chord distributed hash table,and the Asbestos secure operating system.He also participated in starting two successfulIT companies.Professor Kaashoek is a member of the NationaI Academy of Engineering and the recipient of several awards.including the inaugural ACM SIGOPS Mark Weiser award for demonstrating creativity and innovation in operating systems research.




插图:5.2.2 Sequence Coordination with a Bounded BufferThe implementation with bounded buffers requires coordination between sending and receiving threads because a thread may have to wait until buffer space is available or until a message arrives. Two quite different approaches to thread coordination have developed over the years by researchers in different fields. One approach, usually taken by operating system designers, assumes that the programmer is an all-knowing genius who makes no mistakes. The other approach, usually taken by database designers, assumes that the programmer is a mere mortal, so it provides strong automatic support for coordination correctness, but at some cost in flexibility.The next couple of subsections exhibit the genius approach to coordination, not because it is the best way to tackle coordination problems, but rather to give some intuition about why it requires a coordination genius, and thus should be subcontracted to such a specialist whenever possible. In addition, to implement the database approach the designer of the automatic coordination support approach must use the genius approach. Chapter 9 [on-line] uses the concepts introduced in this chapter to implement the database approach for mere mortals.







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唯一觉得被坑的也就是只有一半 还有一半是online啊~很推荐这本书 不能说是用浅显易懂的语言 应该说旁征博引了很多内容来加强理解 不断地类比呀举例的 就显得很不枯燥 计算机原理这类的讲解很容易就使读者虽不明但觉厉 而且可读性差 这本书感觉就比较有趣呢 不过毕竟是英文 读得还是略慢 强推





此书更应该译成《操作系统设计原则》。这本书是MIT OpenCorseWare的课程6.033——Computer System Engineering的教材,分为两部分,共有1000多页:本书为第一部分,第二部分是在MIT OpenCourseWare网站上的PDF格式的电子书。这个课程的网址是:[...],上面有相应的Assignments,Lecture Notes和教学的全程录像,可以说配套资源相当丰富。在内容上来说,这本书全面而又有深度的讲解和操作系统的各个层面,用伪代码来表示机制,通过模型而不是具体化却一段时间后会被淘汰的操作系统来讲解操作系统的设计原理,是一本不可多得的书。在影印质量上来说,纸张还可以,要比机械工业出版社印的质量好的多。

就英语表述来说,叙述简洁易懂,生词不多,优秀技术书的典范。(《CSAPP》 也是这种类型,大爱,但是 《Computation Structure》表述就难了不少,就我的英语水平而言看起来有点费劲。)目前看完了第一章,第一章几乎每页下面都有 wisdom box,简洁有力,读完一页看看这些 wisdom 真是再过瘾不过。相关延伸的 Sugestion for Further Reading 也很有价值。正如作者讲的,这是 MIT 6.033 课程的前部分,也是最重要、最精华的部分。 如果想继续学习,MIT 网上有后半部全文,免费的哈~

我从去年开始对MIT 6.033的内容十分感兴趣,就不断的寻找有关资料,可惜这门课的内容十分特别,除了MIT没有更多的来源。2009年1月,我发现6.033的classnotes以这本书的形式交付出版,3月Stanford以这本书为基础开设了名为principles of computer system,但是这本书的正式销售时间是定在7月,更不知什么时候会引入中国所以很失望,所以就直接联系作者本人要了一份相关的List和目录研究课程内容,看录像,读MIT指定的和相关的Paper来学习,10月偶尔上网时看到清华大学出版社引入了这本书,就立即买了。这本书总体来说是很有开创性的,它融合了各种计算系统设计的基本原则和技术,让人很容易建立起具体和抽象的系统概念,如果学完这本书再去学网络、操作系统等课程,很多东西可以很容易理解和掌握,当然如果已经学了那些课,就用这本书梳理一下前面所学的知识,当你完成了这一过程后,你会发现自己对计算机系统已经了然于心。随着计算机学科的发展,所需学习的课程会越来越多,但是学生学习完这么多东西后仍然一头雾水,缺乏基本的系统概念和利用这些概念来设计系统的能力,精简核心课程,去除冗余,是必然趋势,MIT的这本书迈出了第一步, Stanford也开始跟进,估计Berkeley、CMU等在不久的将来也会有新的尝试。对于我们来说,既然有了这么好的资源就应该好好珍惜、学习和利用。


