微观经济学 亚洲版
《微观经济学(亚洲版)》既包括了微观经济学的传统内容,又吸收了微观经济学过去十几年的最新研究成果,例如:博弈论和竞争策略,不确定性和信息的作用,具有市场势力的厂商的定价分析。作者在论述微观经济学理论时作了与众不同的处理,通过100多个较详尽的案例来帮助消化和理解经济学理论,着重突出了这一理论对于管理和公共政策决策所具有的相关性和实用性。《微观经济学(亚洲版)》内容组织合理,叙述深入浅出,读后使人受益匪浅。尤其需要指出的是,这一版本特别增添了针对亚洲各国的内容,更适合我国读者学习如何利用经济学理论分析实际问题。 《微观经济学(亚洲版)》适合大专院校经济管理类专业本科生或研究生用做微观经济学教材,也可以作为工商管理硕士(MBA)的管理经济学教材。《微观经济学(亚洲版)》还可供经济管理类教学及科研人员用做参考书。
作者:(美国)平狄克(Robert S.Pindyck) (美国)鲁宾菲尔德(Daniel L.Rubinfeld) (新加坡)科尔(Winston T.H.Koh)Robert S.Plndyck,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院经济学和金融学教授,也是美国国家经济研究所的研究人员。1971年获麻省理工学院经济学博士学位。Daniel L.Rubinfeld,美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校法学和经济学教授。1972年获麻省理工学院博士学位。曾担任美国司法部的首席经济学家.在反托拉斯、竞争政策、法律与经济学、公共经济学等领域发表了大量文章。 Winston T.H.Koh,新加坡管理大学副教授。1988年获普林斯顿大学博士学位。
第1部分 引言:市场与价格第1章 绪论第2章 供给与需求的基本原理第2部分 生产者、消费者与竞争性市场第3章 消费者行为第4章 个体需求与市场需求第5章 不确定性与消费者行为第6章 生产第7章 生产成本第8章 利润最大化与竞争性供给第9章 竞争性市场分析 第3部分 市场结构与竞争策略第10章 市场势力:卖方垄断与买方垄断第11章 有市场势力条件下的定价第12章 垄断竞争与寡头第13章 博弈论与竞争策略第14章 要素市场第15章 投资、时间与资本市场第4部分 信息、市场失灵与政府的角色第16章 一般均衡与经济效率第17章 不对称信息条件下的市场第18章 外部性与公共品附录:回归分析的基本知识术语表部分习题答案图片索引索引
插图:Firms Firms also face limits in terms of the kinds of products that they can produce, and the resources available to produce them. The Shanghai Automobile Group, for example, is very good at producing cars and trucks, but it does not have the ability to produce airplanes, computers, or pharmaceuticals. It is also constrained in terms of financial resources and the current production capacity of its factories. Given these constraints, the Shanghai Automobile Group must decide how many of each type of vehicle to produce. If it wants to produce a larger total number of cars and trucks next year or the year after, it must decide whether to hire more workers, build new factories, or do both. The theory of the firm, the subject matter of Chapters 6 and 7, describes how these trade-offs can best be made.Prices and MarketsA second important theme of microeconomics is the role of prices. All of the trade- offs described above are based on the prices faced by consumers, workers, or firms. For example, a consumer trades off beef for chicken based partly on his or her preferences for each one, but also on their prices. Likewise, workers trade off labor for leisure based in part on the "price" that they can get for their labor——i.e., the wage. And firms decide whether to hire more workers or purchase more machines based in part on wage rates and machine prices.Microeconomics also describes how prices are determined. In a centrally planned economy, prices are set by the government. In a market economy, prices are determined by the interactions of consumers, workers, and firms. These interactions occur in markets——collections of buyers and sellers that together determine the price of a good. In the automobile market in China, for example, car prices are affected by competition among the Chinese car manufacturers, such as Shanghai Automobile, First Automotive Works, Dongfeng Automobile and other manufacturers, and also by the demands of consumers. The central role of markets is the third important theme of microeconomics. We will say more about the nature and operation of markets shortly.Theories and ModelsLike any science, economics is concerned with the explanations of observed phenomena. Why, for example, do firms tend to hire or lay off workers when the prices of their raw materials change? How many workers are likely to be hired or laid off by a firm or an industry if the price of raw materials increases by, say, 10 percent?In economics, as in other sciences, explanation and prediction are based on theories. Theories are developed to explain observed phenomena in terms of a set of basic rules and assumptions. The theory of the firm, for example, begins with a simple assumption——firms try to maximize their profits. The theory uses this assumption to explain how firms choose the amounts of labor, capital, and raw materials that they use for production and the amount of output they produce. It also explains how these choices depend on the prices of inputs;such as labor, capital, and raw materials, and the prices that firms can receive for their outputs.