Part I Die and Mold Design
Unit 1 The Die and Mold Materials and Heat Treatment
Lesson 1 Die and Mold Steels
Lesson 2 The Purpose of Heat Treatment
Reading Materials (1) Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels
Reading Materials (2) Types of Heat Treatment
Unit 2 Die Design
Lesson 3 Deformation Modes in Sheet Forming
Lesson 4 Piercing Die Design
Lesson 5 Bending Die Design
Reading Materials (3) Blanking Die Design
Reading Materials (4) Drawing Die Design
Reading Materials (5) Compound Die Design
Unit 3 The Plastic Mold Design
Lesson 6 Plastics and Classification of Plastics
Lesson 7 Thermoplastic Mold Design
Lesson 8 Transfer and Injection Molding
Reading Materials (6) Characteristics of Forming for Plastic
Reading Materials (7) Thermosetting Mold Design
Reading Materials (8) Compression Molding
Unit 4 Pressure Die-casting Die Design
Lesson 9 The Assembly of Pressure Die-casting Dies
Reading Materials (9) The Die Insert
Unit 5 The Parts for Die and Molds
Lesson 10 Die Part——Stock Stop
Lesson 11 Plastic Injection Mold Parts
Lesson 12 Standard Die and Mold Base
Lesson 13 Types of Injection-molding
Reading Materials (10) Pilots
Reading Materials (11) Design of Guides for the Parts to Be
Reading Materials (12) Knockout Bars
Reading Materials (13) The Economics of Injection-molding
Unit 6 The Forming and Molding Equipment
Lesson 14 Types of Press
Lesson 15 The Injection-molding Machine
Lesson 16 The Specifications of Press
Reading Materials (14) Main Components of Press
Reading Materials (15) Components of Injection-molding
Reading Materials (16) The Specifications of Injection-molding
Part Ⅱ NC Technology
Unit 7 The Applications of NC/CNC Machining Technology
Lesson 17 The Applications of NC/CNC
Lesson 18 Definition of CNC Machines
Reading Materials (17) CNC Machining Centers
Reading Materials (18) Classification of CNC Machines
Unit 8 NC/CNC Machining Equipment
Lesson 19 Types of CNC Machining Centers
Lesson 20 CNC Turning Center
Reading Materials (19) The Advantages of CNC Machines
Reading Materials (20) The Disadvantages of CNC Machines
Unit 9 The Control System of CNC Machines
Lesson 21 Open-loop Control System
Lesson 22 Closed-loop Control System
Reading Materials (21) Coordinate System of CNC Machines
Reading Materials (22) Type of Control System for Tool
Unit 10 NC Programming
Lesson 23 Basic Requirements of NC Machine Control
Lesson 24 Interpolation Commands of CNC Lathes
Reading Materials (23) Setup Procedure
Reading Materials (24) Debugging the Program
Unit 11 Main Specification of CNC Machining Centers
Lesson 25 Specification for CNC Horizontal Machining Center
Lesson 26 Specification for CNC Vertical Machining Center
Unit 12 The Special-Purpose Machining Equipment
The debugging process begins after the part program has been successfully loaded. First, the setup person locks the machine and runs the program using only the output from the MCU. This is done to check if the controller recognizes all the codes in the program. If this test is successful, the program can be run with the machine Z-axis locked. This will guard against any possible collisions between the tool and the work holding or part itself. Next is the so-called "dry" run with the part removed. During this test the setup person slows down the rapid feeds and speeds up the actual feeds. These tests will indicate whether the program runs and if there are any extraordinary moves which could cause a collision of the work and/or work holding with the cutting tool. To verify if the program produces a proper part, a blank must be loaded and cut. I~ the production blanks are made of costly material, some shops may first cut a test part using aluminum, wax, wood and so on. This saves on material, cutting tools, and prove-out time. The actual cutting test is run in single-block mode(versus automatic mode). This is done to give the setup person time to see the effects of each command and aids in spotting a wrong move. The program is further optimized by eliminating any unnecessary moves. After the part is completed, it is measured to determine if the drawing, operation sheets, and programmer specifications have been satisfied. Adjustments are made. If necessary, another part is made and checked by the quality control department. If everything is found to be satisfactory, the part goes into production. ……
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