张 颖
在长期的教学与工作实践中,我们越来越清楚地认识到外贸函电是高等院校国际商务类专业和经济贸易类专业学生必修的一门核心课程,也是一门颇具实践性的课程。为了真正培养出外贸行业实用型人才,贯彻国家教育部关于推进高校工学结合专业建设的精神,我们编写了这本旨在突出工学结合特色的教材。 本教材以外贸函电磋商能力培养和训练为核心,从实际工作任务出发,以项目为导向设计学习情境。全书首先介绍了外贸函电的格式和写作原则,然后分别从11个方面分项目展现了对外交易磋商的各个环节,力图使学生在掌握外贸函电基本格式后能融会贯通,在实际操作中结合具体情况灵活运用,做到用得上、用得好、用得巧,从而更好地适应外贸工作的实际需要。 本书可作为高等学校国际商务专业及经济贸易类专业的教材,也可作为国际商务工作者和外贸业务员的参考用书和自学用书。 本书编写人员均为长期从事外贸函电教学的一线教师,其中不乏拥有外贸企业实敲经验的双师素质教师。安徽工商职业学院的张颖、张键、郭艳清、许瑞松,安徽经济管理学院的叶佩华,芜湖信息技术职业学院的张芳等参加了本书的编写工作。其中,张颖编写了首篇、项目2、项目3,张键编写了项目1、项目4,张芳编写了项目5、项目8,叶佩华编写了项目6、项目7,郭艳清编写了项目9,许瑞松编写了项目10、项目11。本书由张颖担任主编,叶佩华、张键担任副主编。全书由张颖负责修改、总纂和定稿。 ……
《21世纪高职高专经管专业精编教材:外贸函电》以外贸函电磋商能力训练为主线,通过项目导向展现了对外交易磋商的流程,旨在培养高端技能型外贸人才。全书首先介绍了外贸函电的格式和写作原则,然后分别从11个方面分项目介绍了建立业务关系、询盘和答复、发盘和还盘、促销、达成交易、支付方式、包装、装运、保险、索赔和理赔、代理。每个项目均配有学习目标、目标描述、写作技巧、有用句型、具体例信、文中注释、技能训练、增值阅读等,可以帮助读者更好地掌握外贸业务知识和书面磋商技能。 《21世纪高职高专经管专业精编教材:外贸函电》可作为高等院校国际商务专业及经济贸易类专业学生的教材,也可作为国际商务工作者和外贸业务员的参考用书和自学用书。
Introduction of Business Letter WritingLearning ObjectivesWriting StrategyProject 1 Establishing Business RelationsLearning ObjectivesObjectives DescriptionWriting StrategyUseful ExpressionsSpecimen LettersValue-added ReadingProject 2 Enquiries and RepliesLearning ObjectivesObjectives DescriptionWriting StrategyUseful ExpressionsSpecimen LettersSkill TrainingValue-added ReadingProject 3 0ffers and Counter OffersLearning ObjectivesObjectives DescriptionUseful ExpressionsSpecimen LettersValue-added ReadingProject 4 Sales PromotionLearning ObjectivesObjectives DescriptionUseful ExpressionsSpecimen LettersNotesProject 5 Conclusion of BusinessObjectives DescriptionWriting StrategyUseful ExpressionsSpecimen LettersProject 6 Terms of PaymentLearning ObjectivesProject 7 PackingProject 8 ShipmentProject 9 InsuranceProject 10 Claim and SettlemenProject 11 AgencyKeys to Skill Training参考书目
Sovereign wealth funds, Chinese banks or other national financial institutions couldprovide the funding for a global consortium that makes a counter-offer to keep the world'slargest fertilizer maker out ofthe hands ofmining giant BHP, these people said. On Wednesday, BHP took its $130-a-share offer directly to Potash shareholders after theCanadian company rebuffed its initial Aug. 12 0ffer and disclosed it publicly. Potash said theBHP bid "grossly undervalued" the company; BHP has said the offer is full and fair. Potash Chief Executive Bill Doyle has not ruled out a deal, saying Tuesday: "We're notopposed to a sale; we're opposed to a steal of the company."The people familiar with the matter described Potash's board and management asshareholder friendly, and said that the company may decide to run a full auction to secure thebest value for its shareholders. Analysts have speculated that Brazil's Vale SA and BHP rival Rio Tinto could be logicalbuyers for Potash, although there are questions of whether either company can arrange thefinancing for Potash, which has a market value ofnearly $44 billion. But Potash could be ofinterest to a much wider range of global players that have a stakein agriculture, such as makers of chemicals, petrochemicals and fertilizers, the people familiarwith the matter said. Chinese agricultural and chemical suppliers' Sinochem Corp. and ChinaNational Chemical Corp. have been aggressive in pursuing cross-border deals. Potash has a relationship with state-owned Sinochem through Sinochem's fertilizer arm,which is called Sinofert. Potash has a 22% stake in Sinofert and has two directors on its board.Last year, state-owned Sinochem offered to buy Australian agricultural chemical companyNufarm Ltd. for about $2.5 billion. ……
《21世纪高职高专经管专业精编教材:外贸函电》特色: 例信贴近实际,与外贸业务员岗位对接; 教材结构新颖,突出外贸函电磋商能力培养; 项目导向学实务,任务驱动练技能,工学结合显特色。