普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语4 必修模块
Learning to Learn(pp.4.6) A.Stay{ng Motivated B.Word Power C.What,s the Promem?LANGUAGE IN PUTUNITS/LESSONS1 0 MONEY(PP.7-17)Warm-upLesson 1 A Materia WorLdLesson 2 The Right PriceLesson 3 Your MoneyLesson 4 AdvertisementsCom munication Workshop11 THE MEDIA(PP.21-31)Warm.udLesson 1 WorLd NewsLesson 2 The PaparazziLesson 3 The Advertisjng GameLesson 4 What’S in the Papers?C0mmun记aton Workshop1 2 CULTURE SHOCK(PP.35-45)Warm-upLesson 1 Visiting BritainLesson 2 Mind Your MannersLesson 3 Living AbroadLesson 4 The New AustraliansCommunication WorkshopCommunication Workshop SKILLS DEVELOPMENTWho Wants to Be a Millonalre?When Less Is MoreAdvertisementsStrategiesIdentifTi ng factsand opinionsUnit Diary(p.20)Africa on G8 AgendaLondon WinsThe Idea Is EverythingWhat’S in the Papers?StrategiesDealing with cultureUnit Diary(p.34)Visiting B ritainLiving AbroadThe New Austra lia nsStrategiesIdentifying facts and opinionsUnit Diary(p.48)
普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语4 必修模块 PDF格式下载