李亚婉,刘黛琳 著
第一部分 赴英学习中文汇报网络学习与质量保证努力做好教学资源建设和学习支持服务,推进开放教育持续健康发展虚拟学习环境为网络学习插上翅膀英国开放大学的质量保证将在英国的学习成果实践于广西的电大事业英国开放大学的教学教务管理运行机制及学习支持服务体系使命、战略和行动以人为本,一切为教学服务英国大学学生支持的启示英伦远教窥豹对英国开放大学理工科专业的课程组织体系及教学资源设计的学习与研究英国诺丁汉大学在教师培训、网络课程及成人教育等方面的启示对英国远程开放教育的新认知英国开放大学技术应用与发展对中国西部发展远程教育的启示重视考核与评价,确保教学质量英国终身教育体系构建之一瞥英国教育计算机网络及远程教育技术应用英国开放大学远程教育新技术研究英国开放大学网上学习支持服务优美的教学环境,立体的教学模式有支持的开放学习运行机制的分析探讨英国高校的数学课程设置与教学内容选择英国高校科研管理机制探索学习英国经验,服务甘肃远程教育事业让网络学习平台更好地为学习者服务第二部分 赴英学习英文汇报e-Learning and Pursuing QualityReport on My Academic Study in the UK ZhouReport on an Academic Visit to Sheffield Hallam University YuaQuality Assurance and Learning Support of the Open University of the UKApplying the Achievement of My study in the UK into the Construction of GXRTVUA Brief Report about My Visit to the UK Guo OinVisiting ReportA Brief Report of My Life and Study in the Open UniversityImplications on Student Support of the UK UniversitiesA Brief Report about My Stay in the UKReport of a Visit to the Open University of the UKA Brief Report of My Academic Visit to the School of Education in the University of NottinghamNew Perception on British Open & Distance EducationFully Utilize Modern Education Technology in Carrying out Distance LearningEmphasizing Assessment and Evaluation: Assuring the Quality Teaching and LearningA Brief Report about My Academic Visit in the UKUK Educational Computer Network and Application of Distance Educational TechnologyResearch in Applying Educational Technology of the Open UniversityA Brief Report about My Stay in the UKA Brief Report about My Academic Study in the UKThe Investigation of the Framework for Supported Open Learning at the Open University of UKOn the Public and Foundation Courses in Mathematics and the Use of Modern Educational Skills in British UniversitiesExploration on University Scientific Research Management in the UKLearning UK’S Experience to Serve the Cause of Open Education in Gansu Radio & TV UniversityProvide Learners with Better Services through the Virtual Learning Environment第三部分 论文“电大英语2”CAI课件设计及多种媒体的综合利用——公共英语教学资源和教学模式的探索与实践中央广播电视大学与中国软件行业协会合作机制的研究远程开放教育地区学习中心教师的职能与作用英国开放大学发展的战略关注加强学生学习支持服务,提高远程开放教育学生保持率对“开放英语1多媒体学习系统”应用效果的研究电大远程开放教育学生学习动机与影响因素的调查报告考察英国诺丁汉大学带来的启示论远程教学平台的安全策略“三个一”教学模式在“开放英语1”课程中的实践探索略论英国成人文学教育英国开放大学远程教育技术应用活动探析从认识英国开放大学网上学习支持服务对象到Moodle的应用实践有支持开放学习运行机制的分析探讨基于分布式网络环境的远程教育资源库的研究和实现New Technologies in Higher Education:The Chinese ExperienceProviding Blended Student Suppo~to ODL LearnersComparative Research on Quality Assurance in Distance Education between China and the UK—Case Studies of the CCRTVU and the OUUK