钟富强 编
本书是一本实用计算机技术英语教材,包括计算机基本硬件、软件技术原理和计算机应用等方面知识。全书结构清晰,内容详实,取材新颖,系统性较强。 本书分为15章,每一章根据内容划分为不同的节,按课文、词汇、注解、练习、泛读材料和屏幕信息学习的体例编写。书后附有参考译文、常用术语、缩略语等,以帮助读者对课文的学习和日常应用。每章练习中安排有构词和阅读练习题,泛读材料取材紧贴每课学习主题,既拓展了知识,又可以培养阅读能力。 本书既可作为大专院校专业英语教材,也可供一般计算机用户学习使用。
Unit 1 PartⅠ Text Introduction to Computers 1.1 What is a Computer 1.2 Types of Computer System 1.3 Computer in Progress Exercises PartⅡ Supplementary Reading A Look at TomorrowUnit 2 PartⅠ Text Computer Hardware 2.1 Computer System 2.2 Central Processing Unit 2.3 Buses 2.4 Binary System Exercises PartⅡ Supplementary Reading How does Computer Arrange Information Unit 3 PartⅠ Text I/O Devices 3.1 What is Input 3.2 Input Devices 3.3 Output Devices Exercises PartⅡ Supplementary Reading Laser PrinterUnit 4 PartⅠText Storage Media 4.1 Main Menory 4.2 Secondary Storage PartⅡ Supplementary Reading Open source-onomicsUnit 5 PartⅠText Operatng System 5.1 Introduction to Operating System 5.2 Basic Functions of Operating System 5.3 Utilities 5.4 Operating System Software Introduction……Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15参考译文