

周丹丹 南京大学











  目前已经出版的英语写作教材不少,但大多是独立的一册教材或英语写作手册,缺少一套贯穿英语专业本科阶段的全程教学、相互衔接、适合课堂教学使用的系列教材。我们编写这套教材的目的之一就是要填补这一空缺,为英语专业的学生提供一套由浅及深、循序渐进的写作教材,做到老师用了顺手,学生用了有效。为了使这套教材真正对教学起到帮助作用,我们想说明下面几个问题。  书面表达能力是英语专业学生综合素质的一项重要指标,目前越来越受到重视。对于英语专业写作课的教学,大纲已作了规定和要求,但各个地方、各个学校在执行上因具体情况的差别而又各不相同。有的高校新生一入校就开写作课,有的则要到一年级下学期或者二年级才开写作课。在教学进度上各校也不一致,有的因课时不足,不能切实完成大纲所规定的教学任务,学生在撰写学:术性的毕业论文时感到有很大困难。同时,大纲本身也有一个在实践中不断完善、不断适应学生毕业后工作需要和国家经济建设快速发展需要的问题。  这套教材大致上第一、二、三册分别供大学一、二:、三年级使用,第四册则供四年级使用一个学期。对于一年级下学期才开设写作课的学校来说,第一册的一部分也可供二年级使用,第二、三册也可分别供三、四年级使用。当然也可以适当压缩内容,将第四册提前到三年级使用。为了帮助学生适应英语专业四级考试和八级考试对写作的要求,我们在第二、三册里又分别包括了相应的应试写作内容和相关练习。


书面表达能力是英语专业学生综合素质的一项重要指标,目前越来越受到重视。 《大学英文写作》第一、二、三册分别供大学一、二、三年级使用,第四册则供四年级使用一个学期。 本教材为第二册,介绍了大学本科阶段专业学习所必需的课程论文、科研报告和毕业论文等应用文的英文写作技巧和写作方法。


Words for the Teacher1 Keeping a Diary2 Telling Your Stories3 Introducing Description4 Describing a Place5 Drawing a Portrait6 Describing Emotions7 Introducing Comparison8 Bearing the Purpose in Mind9 Organizing Your Comparison10 Limiting the Topic and Selecting the Material11 Introducing Process Analysis12 Building on a Familiar Topic13 Making Everything Clear to Your Reader14 Having Fun with Process Analysis15 Introducing Definition16 Exposing the Essence17 Questioning the Assumptions18 Introducing Classification19 Examining It Closely20 Using a Clear Organization21 Making a Point22 Introducing Cause and Effect23 Thinking Before You Write24 Taking Steps in Composition25 Writing Through Your ExamAdditional ReadingsList of Professional and Student Writings Matemal Care, by Lu Qian Not Drunk Enough, by Shi Xiaobo A Box of Matches, by Jiang Min. A Pitiful Person, by Qian Xiaoling. Slips of Love, by Qian Xiaolin Mr. Sweet, by Alice Walker Description of a Stranger, by Li Shimeng In an Elevator, by E.B. White My Hometown (two drafts), by Chen Zan My Mother, by Jiang Xinyi Taking In and Giving Out: A Description of My Aunt, by Jiang Haoyun Old Maid Grump, by Carole Gaffron . A Description of a Statue (two drafts), by Zhou Jianhao The Blast Furnace, by Sally Carrighar The Natural Superiority of Women, by Ashley Montagu Starbucks and a Traditional Cafe, by Zhou Haobo I Love Clothes, by Li Shimeng Reading and Television, from The Plug-ln Drug, by Marie Winn The Chinese New Year (first draft), by Pi Xin The Family Reunion Dinner (final draft), by Pi Xin Undercover Discoveries in the World of Fashion, by Andy Rooney The Transaction, by William Zinsser American and Chinese Child-Raising (three drafts), by Mao Xiaochun Modem Courtesy, by Lore Segal CROAK-A-ROACH KILLS ROACHES DEAD! Dish of Happiness--Ouhe, by Yao Ying Terror at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard Writing With Style, by Kurt Vonnegut How to Make a Pair of Speakers (two drafts), by Zhu Jun How to Survive a Hotel Fire, by R.H. Kauffman Life Is Just a...Snapped Tape, by Zhu Xilin How to Write a Personal Letter, by Garrison Keillor What's a Ms.? Homesickness, by Lu Qian Chuang Tou Gui, by Qin Xiaoling Hanliu, by Chen Fangya I Want a Wife, by Judy Syfers Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name, by James Lincoln Collier A Good Beginning: The Choice of a Suitable Paddle (two drafts), by Wang Feng Notes on Punctuation, by Lewis Thomas Salutation Displays, by Desmond Morris Ways of Earning Good Marks, by Qin Haihua The Ways of Meeting Oppression, by Martin Luther King, Jr. Why Nothing Works, from America Now, by Marvin Harris Why Boys Don't Know What Girls Mean and Girls Think Boys Are Mean, by Deborah Tannen "Learning" to Give Up, by Albert Rosenfeld Fear of Dearth, by Carll Tucker When Television Is a School for Criminals, by Grant Hendricks


  The Chinese New Year  (First Draft)  Pi Xin  In a small dining room, with paper-cuts-decorated windows and a big reversedfu onthe wall, my family members were sitting around the table. Mom was mixing stuffing[Meaning unclear]. Aunt was rolling dough and the rest were making dumplings.Everyone was collaborating on the feast [Wrong word], including me, a nine-year-old then. So many smiling faces I see, Grandmas loving smile, uncles hearty smile, childrens joyful smile...This is a photo taken in my home on the Chinese New Years Eve, a yellowish-tinged photo I treasure up in my family album. Such [a] scene was once so familiar tome, but now it seems distant. The past decade has seen a big change in the way Chinesepeople spend the Spring Festival, which indicates that we are gradually lacking the emotional exchange. [Your reader may not be prepared for such a statement.


  英语的书面表达能力是反映英语专业学生英语水平的重要标志。本科阶段写作教学除训练常用文体的写作外,还应指导学生如何写出内容充实、具有一定深度与广度的课程论文及格式规范的科研报告和毕业论文。写作教学在训练书面表达能力的同时,应注重培养和提高学生独立从事科研工作所需的分析问题和解决问题能力。  现有的英语写作教材大多是独立的一册教材或英语写作手册,缺少一套贯穿英语专业本科阶段全程教学、相互衔接、适合课堂教学的系列教材;《大学英文写作》(1-4册)填补了这一空缺。这套教材由浅人深,循序渐进,能够满足英语专业本科阶段各年级写作教学的需要。该教材的出版有助于推动英语专业教学改革,促进学科建设,是南京大学英语系的最新教学研究成果。  --王守红  南京大学外国语学院院长  中国英语教学研究会副会长  教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会主任委员





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