ContentsAbbreviationsRomanizationChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Colony and the Chinese Community2.1 Hong Kong as ' a Part of China'2.2 Growing and Floating: Chinese Population2.3 The Chinese Community: Social Structure2.4 Between the Chinese and the Europeans: a ChasmChapter 3 The Chinese Community and the Chinese Dialects3.1 The Chinese Ethnic Groups3.2 The Chinese Ethnic Groups and the Chinese Ethnic Dialects3.3 EV and Cantonese as a Common Language3.4 Cantonese and Its Varieties in Early Hong KongChapter 4 The Chinese Community and English4.1 Church Schools and Chinese Learning English4.2 Government Schools and Chinese Learning English4.3 The Government and Chinese Learning English4.4 Chinese Rejecting English: Power and CultureChapter 5 The Chinese Community and Chinese Pidgin English5.1 CPE: from Canton and Macao to Hong Kong5.2 The Users of CPE5.3 CPE : Language Acquisition5.4 Function of CPE5.5 The Decline of CPEChapter 6 ConclusionAppendixBibliography后记
On the English part, since now they were the absolute masters or rulers, their discrimination against China and the traditional Chinese culture was manifested much more strongly and more plainly. Roughly beginning in the 18th Century, the English gradually classified China as a nation resistant to contact and thus, in declining. In fact, some of them began to view the Chinese people and the Chinese culture with a more special, practical, even antagonistic view. Having won decisively over Qing China and become the new masters of the Colony, they felt naturally that their culture was superior to the Chinese one. Actually, in their eyes now the Chinese were nothing but racially and culturally the ultimate 'other'——a negative, blamed 'other' (of. Munn, 1998: 45). Some of them believed that ' the Chinese are a peculiar people, and they do not like being interfered with. They do not understand us; they cannot understand our ways' (GBSC, 1847: 346). A more popular and representative view was that the Chinese people were (source : HKAAR : 301 ) ……