徐康 主编,吴新华,赵红英 副主编
本书的特点: 1 强调英语写作基本功的训练。本书重点分析和讲授如何写好句子,段落和各种文体的作文。每个章节都配有各种形式的练习,以便学生进行基本功训练。 2 注重理论联系实际。本书不仅对英语写作中的遣词造句、构段地文的基本技巧做了介绍,而且还结合中国学生的实际,讲解在写作如何避免母语干扰。 3 具有较台的针对性。对英语四、六年级写作测试的各种题型及应试的方法与技巧进行发归类和分析,并附有模拟练习。 4 重视壮志培养和提高写应用文的能力。通过学写书信、简历、电传、便函、电子邮件、合同等,为将来的实际应用奠定基础。 5 引导学生学写科技文章和论文。通过对科技文章和论文结构的具体分析,进一步了解如何收集资料及极思撰文。 6 本书所用的范文,典型,实用、规范,可供学习写作时参考。
chcpter 1 how to write sentences 1.1 the sentence 1.2 types of sentences 1.3 lmproving sentences in meaning and grammar 1.4 punctuationchapter 2 how to avoid chinese influence in ehglish writing 2.1 carses of chinese lifluence 2.2 examples of chinese lnfluence 2.3 avoding chinese lnfluencechapter 3 how to make sentences effective 3.1 unity 3.2 coherence 3.3 conciseness 3.4 fmphasis 3.5 varietychapter 4 how to write paragraphs 4.1 the paragraph 4.2 unity 4.3 coherence 4.4 listing and exemplifying 4.5 dividing and classifying 4.6 narration 4.7 cause and effect 4.8 comparicon and contrastchapter 5 how to prepare for passage writing 5.1 organization 5.2 steps in writingchapter 6 how to write varieties of compositions 6.1 the composion 6.2 patterns 6.3 narration 6.4 description 6.5 exposition 6.6 argumentionchapter 7 how to write a summary 7.1 summary 7.2 procedures for writing a summary 7.3 case stydy 7.4 skills of writong a summarychapter8 how to prepare for writing tests 8.1 topic sentence commposition 8.2 key words composition ……chapter 9 how to deal with practiacl writong (1)chapter 10 how to deal with practiacl writong (2)chapter 11 how to write texhnical papreschapter 12 how to write research papersbibliography