随着全球一体化,医学领域的国际交流日益频繁。越来越多的医护人员走向世界。与此同时,随着外资的引进,国内医疗市场的竞争日趋激烈。医护人员提供国际化医疗服务的机会也在与日俱增。医学人才市场需要大批的复合型高级医学人才(医学专业知识人才将具有更大的竞争力)。毫无疑问,持有国际认可的医学护理证书人才将具有更大的竞争力。为了适应这一新的形势和高等职业教育发展的需求,体现高等职业教育培养目标及办学特色,我们编写了这本教材。 编写本教材的主要目的是向学生提供丰富的医护英语资料,培养学生的英语交际的能力,掌握一定的英语基础护理知识和技能,使学生具有阅读和翻译有关护理英语资料的能力,进行简单的日常会话和涉外会话的能力,特别强调学生职业技能的培养和训练。
该书是高等院校护理专业的专业英语教材,采取英汉对照的形式编写。以对话为主,设计了护理的10大方面,如:挂号看病、住院、护理评估、查房、手术前后的护理、心理护理、给药、饮食护理、产妇护理、病护间健康交流等作为背景对话。每篇对话后有生词表、专业术语表、参考译文,还附一篇相关护理理论知识的文章供学习者学习。 本书共有11个单元,每个单元有几个情景对话和一篇阅读文章。每个对话部分围绕特定的专题展开,有利于学生模仿并学以致用;阅读文章与护理中文教材同步,并附有参考译文。
Unit 1 Registration挂号看病Unit 2 Admission住院Unit 3 Nursing Process护理程序Unit 4 Making Rounds of Wards医护查房Unit 5 Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing手术前后的护理Unit 6 Psychological Nursing心理护理Unit 7 Nutritional Care and Diet for the Patient病人营养与膳食护理Unit 8 Medication Therapy药物治疗Unit 9 Maternity Nursing母婴护理Unit 10 Health Education健康教育Unit 11 Elderly Health Nursing Care老年健康护理Appendix Ⅰ Abbreviation缩略语Appendix Ⅱ CGFNS—FUNDAMENTAL NURSING基础护理测试题Appendix Ⅲ Key to Nursing English Terms英语医学术语的特征
Part C Reading Comprehension Now read the passage. The first time, try to get a good general ideaof what the passage is about; the secondtime, to try to remember the im-portant details and pay due attention to points seem difficult. If there isa word you are not familiar with, do not waste too much time worryingabout what it might mean. Just look at what comes before and after,make an intelligent guess and then go on. When you have finished thesecond readinq, finish the following exercises.The Nursing Process. The purpose of the nursing process is to provide a framework withinwhich nurse can identify the clients health care needs, establish a nursingcare plan to meet those needs, and complete the nursing interventions de-signed to meet the needs. The nursing process is an open system, consisting of three basic fac-tors (patients behaviors, nurses responses and nursing activities benefi-cial to patients). It is made up of the following five steps.