“21世纪实用商务英语系列教材”为国家高等教育百项精品教材建设项目,是为适应21世纪经济全球化,培养国际型商务人才的需要而编写的。《国际经贸英语阅读》是该系列教材之一。 本书题材广泛,涉及国际贸易、金融证券、商务法律、商务交际和电子商务等各个领域;内容新颖、富有时代感。 本书可供普通高等学校、高等专科学校商务英语专业、对外经贸专业的学生使用,亦可作为非商务英语专业学生的阅读课本及从事国际商务经贸工作人员的参考书。
Unit 1 The wodd Economy Text A The Changing world Economy Text B Globalization:An Emerging Wrorld Culture Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 2 The GATT and WTO Text A Activities of GATT Text B The Wrorld Trade Organization Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 3 Business Law Text A Legal Environment of Business Text B Consumer Law Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 4 International Trade Text A Unique Problems in International Trade Text B The Wrorld Bank and the International Monetary Fund Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 5 Securities Text A Stocks and Bonds(Ⅰ) Text B Stocks and Bonds(Ⅱ) Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 6 Advertisement Text A The Advertising Standards Authority:An Advertising Watchdog Text B Advertising Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 7 Knowledge Economy Text A Knowledge Economy Text B New Zealand's Competitors in the Knowledge Economy Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 8 Automobiles Text A Sorry,Officer,I Was Just Stating Text B Audi Stories Behind the Four Rings Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 9 Investment Text A The New Land of Opportunity Text B China's Overseas Investment Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 10 E-Commerce Text A A Consumer's Guide to E-Payments Text B Technologies Can Take-off Fast Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 11 Trade and Technology Text A International Countertrade Text B China's Technology Trade and Development of Hi-Tech Sectors Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingUnit 12 Housing Text A Housing Maxket Text B Social Security Privatization—Tax Increases Fast Reading Supplementary ReadingAppendix Ⅰ.Glossary Ⅱ.Special Terms Ⅲ.国际经济组织、条约与商品交易所 Ⅳ.世界著名企业 Ⅴ.世界主要货币名称 Keys to the Exercises