黄明 编
1 猴子和帽子
2 蝴蝶!兄弟
3 兔子和狮子
4 石狗
5 聪明的小女孩儿
6 飞箱
7 白雪公主
8 青蛙王子
9 荷勒妈妈
10 魔法磨
11 六只天鹅
12 睡美人
13 画眉嘴国王
14 三个走运的人
15 大萝卜
16 穷人和富人
17 七个斯瓦比亚人
18 皇帝的新装
19 四个朋友
20 没有结尾的故事
21 桃太郎
22 七只乌鸦
23 小红帽
24 狼和小羊
25 丑小鸭
26 拇指姑娘
27 卖火柴的小女孩
28 猪倌
29 一枚银币
30 豌豆花
31 人鱼
32 罗里和小妖精
33 只爱钱的国王
34 海上女郎
35 青年武士
36 看门人的女儿
37 驴贩子客栈
38 牧鹅少女
39 美女和野兽
40 公主的三个问题
41 老虎或美女
42 王子和法官
43 聪明的牧童
44 森林中的鱼
45 五句忠言
46 忠于诺言
兔子和狮子 One day, it was sunny and the Hare went inside the cool hole of atree for a sleep. Suddenly he woke up. There was a boom(隆隆声) ,boom, boom in his ears. And it was getting closer. The Hare lookedout from the tree. A big animal(动物) came near to him. "Oh, it's you, Rhinoceros(犀牛)!" Said the Hare angrily. "Howcan one, sleep with all your loud noise?" The Rhinoceros looked at the Hare closely. "Good afternoon!" hesaid loudly and slowly. "The Elephant told me to take you to the BigWater-hole (水坑). He's going to tell us who our new king will be. AlIthe animals must go there. " "I do not need a new king," cried the Hare. "A new king will bully(欺侮) us from morrung till night and make our lives unhappy. " "But we want a new king," said the Rhinoceros. "Don't you wanlto see who will be our new king?" "I know already," said the Hare. "It will be that aly(狡猾的) oldLion. He has promised(承诺)not to eat the other animals'children ifthey let him be the king. " The Rhinoceros didn't seem to believe the Hare, and the Haresaid,"Oh, very well, I'II come. But you'II see I'm right. " It was late in the afternoon. The sun was setting when the Hareand the Rhinoceros got to the Big Water-hole. All the animals hadcome-monkeys, deer, horses, birds, snakes, foxes, mice, bears,sheep, cats and wolves. When the Elephant saw that everyone wasthere, he threw up his long nose and said, "Animals of the grass-land,I am proud to tell you that the Lion will be our new king. It is a wisechoice, my friends. " The animals cheered(欢呼).But only the Hare thought,"They'IIsoon see that they have made a horrible miatake(犯大错). " The Lion stood on a rocky hill above the Water-hole. He lookeddown at all his subjects(臣民)and shouted," You' ve made me yourking, and so now you'Il do everything that I tell you to do. " And thenhe gave orders to the other animals. "My first order is that you must build a palace(盖宫殿)for yourking to live in," said the Lion. "I want a palace here beside the BigWater-hole and I want it ready by tomorrow evening. " "My second order is that every day you must bring me an animalfor my supper. A king can't do his own hunting. " The arumals nodded unhappily. "And my third order is that, if you don't do as I say, I'II eat up(吃光)all of you ! " ……