Unit One Neighbors and Friends Part One Warm-Up Activities Part Two Oral Practice I . Useful Expressions of Agreeing and Disagreeing II. A Dialogue Part Three Listening Comprehension I. A Passage II. Statements Ⅲ . Conversations Part Four Reading Comprehension Notes to the Text Translation of the Text Notes to the Extra Reading Passage Translation of the Extra Reading Passage Part Five After-Class Activities Part Six Speaking and Writing SkillsUnit Two Friends for Life Part One Warm-Up Activities Part Two Oral Practice I. Usetul Expressions of Request and Command II. A DialoguePart Three Listening Comprehension I. Passages lI t Statements HI. ConversationsPart Four Reading Comprehension Notes to the Text Translation of the Text Notes to the Extra Reading Passage Translation of the Extra Reading PassagePart Five After-Class ActivitiesPart Six Speaking and Writing SkillsUnit Three Culture Part One Warm-Up Activities Part Two Oral Practice I. Useful Expressions of Warning and Reminding Ⅱ. A Dialogue Part Three Listening Comprehension I . Passages Ⅱ. Statements Ⅲ. Conversations Part Four Reading Comprehension Notes to the Text Translation of the Text Notes to the Extra Reading Passage Translation of the Extra Reading Passage Part Five After-Class Activities Part Six Speaking and Writing Sills……
书摘 2. Here is a list of taboos in China for your reference You should not send clocks to your friends or relatives, for the word "clock" has a funeral connotation of the end of life. You should avoid the number 4 because the pronunciation of it sounds like "death" in Chinese. You should not comb your hair at the same time with two combs, because that means one will marry more than one husband. You shouldn't give people turtles or green hats, for that means the husband or wifeis unfaithful. You should avoid the colors white and black, for both colors symbolize death in Chinese culture. The colors red and gold are lucky. You should not throw anything away on the first day of the New Year, for NewYear is a lucky time and throwing anything away at this time means throwing away thegood luck. You should not separate pears for that stands for parting. You should not break mirrors, for that means 7 years of bad luck. Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl for it is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table. Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, so it is not polite. Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. Part Two Oral Practyice I.Useful Expressions of Warning and Reminding Role Play Exercise 1 Directions:Work in pairs .lmagine you meet your sister later at nighe .Compose a dialogue to remindyour sister ofan importantdate. A:Oh,Susan.today is October 15 and it’S Friday. B:Yeah.absolutely right.So what? A:I guess you must have forgotten something. B:Forget what? A:Tomorrow,October 1 6 w.1l be our beloved grandma’S biflhdav. B:0h,my god.It’s too bad that I’ve completely forgotten.I’Ill too busy A:Why not send a dozen of roses to her tomorrow? B:Thank you very much for reminding me in time. Exercise 2 Directions:Work in pairs.Imagine yourfriend smokes too much,which has affected his health.Compose a dialogue by giving your warning to your friend. A:I couldn’t stop coughing these days. B:It’S probably because you smoke too much. A:I guess SO. B:So,quit smoking.It’S good for your health. A:1 know,I’d like to take your advice,but… B:But what? A:But it’S hard,as I’ve ever tried.but I failed. B:I’m warning you:if I see you smoking again,we’11 not be friends any more. Ⅱ.A Dialogue Tapescrlpt Jane Blackwell,a Norwegian,has lived in China for J0 years She met WangTong,a Chinese,one day,and began to talk with him.Thefollowingis their dialogue. J:Hello。Wang Tong. W:Hello.Jane. J:After all these years in China,I find I still have difficulties in soeializing with the Chinese.Besides the language,the difference in culture is the real problem. W:Oh?What’S the problem this time? J:Well,yesterday,a friend suddenly came without any warning.When I asked if there was anything I could do for him,he said he was just calling to see how 1 was getting ON.Obviously it was just a friendly call.So I made him welcome and offered him a drink.He refused the drink but he certainly made himself welcome. W:Sowhat happened afterthat? J:NOthing happened,and that was the trouble,if you know what I mean.He just stayed on and on and didn’t seeln to know when or how to take leave.We had long nln 0ut 0f common topics. At last I found the long silence between US most awkward. W:How did you get rid of himinthe end? J:Of course,I didn’t want to be rude and make him lose face.Luckily it was near dinnertime.so I asked him whether he would like to stay for dinner.He thanked me and said no as I had expected and hoped,and then took leave.So that was that.W:I think he reaIIv meant well.He was,as he said,just being friendly.It has long been the Chinese custom for friends,relatives and neighbors to drop in on each 0ther without any invitation or prior notice.And many westerners suffer from this c ulture shock from time to time in China. Key Exercise 1 1.warning 2.getting 3.welcome 4.awkward 5·topic 6.10sing 7.unaccustomed/unused 8.socializing 9.relationship 10.strong Exercise 2 Kelly:Hello,Xu Wei. Xu Wei:Hello,Kelly. Kelly:Living in a strange land is really difficult for me.Besides the language,the culture is also a real problem. Xu Wei:Oh?What’S the problem this time? Kellv:Well,vesterday a Chinese friend asked me to attend her birthday dinner in home next Saturdav.But I don’t know what I should do for the dinner.When should I get there? Kelly:When will the dinner begin? XuWei:At 6 p.m. Kelly:You may get there a bit early.In fact,it doesn’t matter how early you get there.The Chinese appreciate early arrival.We think it's polite.But don’t arrive later than the time,or the host and other guests will wait for you. Xu Wei:I see.What kind of birthday present should I buy?……书摘1
前言《新世纪英语教程(专升本)》是一套为高等学校成人英语教学而编写的系列英语教材,可以作为高等学校夜大、函大、高等专科院校等的教材,也可以用作学生英浯水平起点略低的仝日制本科的大学英语教材。 本系列教材的使用者应该已经有大约1200词的英语词汇量,具有一定的英语语法知识和初步的读、听、说英语的能力。本套教材的培养目标是:培养学生掌握扎实的英语基础知识,具有较强的英语听、说和阅读能力,能听懂具有一定难度的英语会话材料,可以进行日常的英语会话,具有一定的翻译和写作能力。 本系列教材由《新世纪英语教程(专升本)》4册和与各册教材配套的《新世纪英语教程自学指导(专升本)》4册,合汁8册组成,供4个学期使用。每册含10课,进度基本上可以按每阿周一课安排。本教材从全面提高学生的英语应用能力出发,在整体结构上突破了一般语言教材的模式。本教材每课由6个部分组成。第一部分为热身活动,旨在通过简单的课堂口语活动激发学q:对本课有关话题的兴趣.为深入的学习做好准备。第二部分为口语练习,包括两个内容:一个是日常口语句型,每课就一个功能、意念或场景给出最常用的一些表达方式,并要求学生通过课堂对话活动灵活运用这些表达方式;另一个练习是听一段与本课话题有关的对话并进行对话活动,再次加深学生对本课话题的了解。第三部分为听力活动,包括两篇与课文话题有关的短文或对话,为下一阶段的阅读进行进一步的引导。听力活动还安排了短句理解和小对话,目的是使学生从多角度提高听力理解能力。第四部分为阅读活动,包括两篇短文:第一篇用于课堂教学,第二篇供课外阅读。阅读部分的练习旨在提高阅读理解能力和词语运用能力。为了加深对课文的理解,我们设计了课前和课后两种问答题,这样更有利于提高学生的思考能力。第五部分为课后活动。一个用于课堂活动,一个用于课外练习。课外练习部分分别安排汉译英和英文写作,旨在提高学生这两个方面的能力。第六部分安排的是英语听、说、读、写、译的技巧介绍,每册书各不相同,其中第三册涉及两个项目。这一部分是我们的一个特别安排,主要是从学生的实际出发.同时也为教师提供一个参考的蓝本。我们在教学实践中,往往有学生提出希望老师介绍英语听、说、读、写、译的技能或推荐有关的书籍。这一部分的内容将使学生不必再另外买书就可以基本掌握英语的这些技能,教师也可以利用这一部分简要介绍英语的这些基本技能。 考虑到成年人的自学能力,我们在本套教材的自学指导中对每篇阅读材料都进行了相当详细的注释。这些注释涉及语法、词汇等语言难点,对常用句型结构和词汇均通过给出例句说明其用法,并对常用的同义词和近义词进行了辨析。这些注释有利于使用本教材的读者加深对课文的理解。所有练习(包括课堂活动的练习)都附有参考答案,供学生和教师参考。 本系列教材中每课均涉及同一个主题,口语活动、听力材料和两篇阅读材料各有侧重。围绕这些与学生生活和社会活动息息相关的热门话题,学生可以在教师的指导下充分发挥其学习的主动性,通过大量的语言活动,提高其语言应用能力。由于话题相同,词汇复现率高,有助于学生提高单词记忆效果。鉴于自学指导中已有详细的课文注释和译文并附有练习答案,因此教师不必再花太多的宝贵课堂教学时间讲解课文,而可以将更多的课堂时间用在提高学生的语言应用能力上,从而使学生真正成为课堂教学的主角。前5个部分大量的口语练习为教师开展有效的课堂口语活动提供了多方面的选择。当然,由于教学时数的限制,教师完全可以自主决定,有针对性地选择其中一部分作为课堂教学活动,而让学生在课外进行其他练习。 本系列教材的练习相对来说不多,这与我们的教学理念不无关系。我们从多年的教学实践中深刻体会到,练习只是英语教学中的一个环节。大量的练习在一定情况下(如为了参加某种考试)是有效的,但要想真正提高语言应用能力,还是要把时间和精力花在语言本身,即大量地接触所学语言上。我们希望读者把更多的时间用在听英语(课文、广播、电视节目、VCD等)上,用在广泛地阅读原文上,并在可能的情况下,多说英语,多进行英语写作和翻译训练,从而提高英语应用能力。在学习本套教材时,读者应把更多的时间放在课文学习中,通过反复朗读,直至可以背诵课文来学习英语,以培养起良好的语感。持之以恒,必见成效。 ……