蒋景阳 编
《新编实用英语》是按照“以学生为中心的主题教学模式”编写的教材。 根据《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》和高职高专院校学生的特点.在教材编写过程中遵循四条原则: 1)以学生为中心: 2)重视语言基本功的训练; 3)根据“实用为主。够用为度”的原则,注重语言应用能力的培养: 4)寓文化素质教育于语言教学之中,寓语言教学于信息交流之中。 该教材共有5册.含预备级1册和1-4级共4册。各册教材分别由《读写教程》学生用书、教师用书和《听说教程》学生用书及教师用书组成.侧重点有所不同。 《读写教程》各册每个单元除了共有的导入(Warm-up)、以阅读为中心的语言活动(Reading-centered Actjvities)、趣味英语(Readingfor Fun)以外,预备册增加了应用文写作技巧讲解及练习(PracticalWriting),第1-3册增加了语法讲解及练习(Grammar Focus),第3册增加了阅读技巧讲解及练习(Reading Skills)。 《听说教程》各册每个单元共有三个以听力为中心的语言活动和快乐一刻(Happy Minute)。每个语言活动包括导人(Warm-up)及形式多样的听力训练。此外.在预备册和第1-2册还增加了听力技巧讲解及练习(Listening Skills)。 《新编实用英语》的每一个单元围绕一个主题展开听、说、读、写、译等活动.旨在培养学生的语言综合应用能力。因为语言技能的发展是相辅相成、不可分割的,在实际语言环境中也要求语言技能的综合应用。本教材所选用的材料语言规范,具有趣味性、可思性、时代性,并尽量贴近学生生活。此外.本教材在选材时注意包括各英语国家的材料.尤其是英美英语的比例。并注意文章的题材与体裁。练习形式的多样性有助于加强应用能力的训练与培养。
Unit 1 MusicPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A MuzakText B Music Made in U.S.A.Text C Music Practice Time Turns into PlaytimePart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 2 StoriesPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A The Phantom of the OperaText B The Unicorn in the GardenText C The Death CarPart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 3 Parents LovePart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A The Unlocked DoorText B Squeeze My Hand and Ill Tell You That I Love YouText C A Fathers LovePart Three Grammar Focus动词不定式 Part Four Reading for FunUnit 4 About ChinaPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A Chinese Food CultureText B Tea and HangzhouText C Mid-autumn FestivalPart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 5 Growing PainsPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A Mother and FreedomText B My StoryText C Bill Gates in His BoyhoodPart Three Grammar Focus动词分词(一)Part Four Reading for FunUnit 6 JobsPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A Job HunterText B Grads Enter Uncertain Job MarketText C Finding a CareerPart Three Grammar Focus动词分词(二)Part Four Reading for FunUnit 7 Energy and EnvironmentPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A The Way to Solve the Growing Power ProblemText B Oil as an Important World ResourceText C Renewable Energy vs. Fossil FuelsPart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 8 CartoonsPart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A CartoonsText B Walt Disney and Miekey MouseText C Chinese Hope Ancient Shadow Art Will AnimateCartoon IndustryPart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 9 Famous PeoplePart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A No One Can Stop Me from FlyingText B Agatha ChristieText C Columbus and the EggPart Three Grammar FocusPart Four Reading for FunUnit 10 Reflections on LifePart One Warm-upPart Two Reading-centered ActivitiesText A Lost and FoundText B The RaceText C Knock the T off the CANTPart Three Grammar FocusThere 引导的句型Part Four Reading for Fun[附录]GlossaryNew WordsPhrases and Expressions