

黄建滨 编 浙江大学出版社





黄建滨 编  






  英语教学的主要目的是使学习者通过学习英语了解世界,但是,随着改革开放的深化,随着我们加入WT0,中国已经融入了世界大家庭,世界开始越来越关注中国的发展,各国人民越来越想了解中国。英语教学已经不能仅仅停留在介绍西方社会和文化阶段,而应该使学习者能以英语为工具,向世界介绍中国的社会、历史、文化、语言、生活、经济等等。  目前的大学英语教学仍然基本停留在基础阶段的教学,主干教材仍然以学习语言基础知识和西方文化为主,我们的大学生经过从中学(甚至小学、幼儿园)十多年的英语学习,已经基本掌握了一般的交流所需要的英语词语、结构和表达方式,他们已经可以也应该能够向国际友人介绍中国了。但是到了真正和外国人进行口头或笔头交流的时候,对于自己的国家他们却往往感到想说的说不出来,想写的写不清楚。根据我们的调查,有关中国的英文材料在我国的大学和中学教材中很少出现。本教材正是为了适应国家和社会对大学生英语能力的要求,为了改变上述现象而编写的。  本教材力图从多角度反映具有中国特色的社会与文化现象,而不是仅仅局限于一般意义的中国文化。我们的选材主要来自国内外书报刊中有关中国社会和文化的介绍,这些作者不少是在中国工作过或仍在中国工作的外国友人。我们也选取了部分中国近现代作者所写的关于中国的文章。他们从不同的角度用地道的英语介绍了中国的社会和文化。本教材内容涉及节日习俗、饮食、旅游、历史人物、神话故事、中医、武术、音乐、艺术、语言、社会、政治、经济、科技、教育、道德意识、大学生活、新闻媒体、社会问题等等,从多方面展现了当代中国风貌,为学习者提供了用英语讲述中国的生动素材。


《中国文化阅读》是一本用英语介绍中国的大学通识课教材。本教材力图从多角度反映具有中国特色的社会与文化现象,课文的选材涉及节日习俗、饮食、旅游、历史人物、神话故事、中医、武术、音乐、艺术、语言、社会、政治、经济、科技、教育、道德意识、大学生活、新闻媒体、社会问题等。这些文章用地道的英语介绍了中国的社会和文化,展现了当代中国风貌,为学习者提供了通过英语了解和介绍当代中国的生动素材。 《中国文化阅读》采用主题教学模式,每个单元含两篇文章,一篇作为课文,一篇作为补充阅读材料。两篇文章均有较详细的注释,注释以介绍文章中的中国文化元素为主。练习有阅读理解、词汇、英汉互译等,并设有特色鲜明的、生动活泼的课堂活动。 《中国文化阅读》英语地道,视角新颖独特,可作为:1.高等学校非英语专业学生的选修课教材;2.有相当水平的英语学习者的阅读教材;3.有志到国外教授汉语的学习者的辅助教材;4.以汉语为第二语言的母语为英语的学习者学习中国文化的教材。


Unit 1 Traditional Festivals in ChinaUnit 2 The Great Wall: A Miracle of the WorldUnit 3 Chinese Table EtiquetteUnit 4 Technology and Education: A Trans-century StrategyUnit 5 Approach to LifeUnit 6 China Enters the WTOUnit 7 Does Culture Stifle Creativity?Unit 8 Im Glad My Son Is Growing Up in ChinaUnit 9 The Cowherd and the Weaving MaidUnit 10 A Review of Chinese StampsUnit 11 My Chinese Classmates Should Get Their Priorities Right!Unit 12 Buddhist Philosophy on Health BuildingUnit 13 Chinas Media RushUnit 14 Web-shopping E-commerce Gaining in AcceptabilityUnit 15 In Search of the Great Leisure SeekerUnit 16 LiKa-shingandaCoinUnit 17 Battle against AIDSUnit 18 Big Ideas Drive ChinaS Quest for Super StatusUnit 19 Schoolyard Rhymes Evoke Wide ConcernUnit 20 The Personnel Market in ChinaUnit 21 China Increasingly Accepts PsychologyUnit 22 Students Live off Campus My MotherUnit 23 Health Is Not EnoughUnit 24 The Spirit of the Chinese PeopleUnit 25 Chinas First Sexual Harassment LawsuitUnit 26 Key to the Exercises


  Meanwhile, up in heaven, the little fairies escapade eventually reached the ears of the queen mother, who was especially angry with Weaving Maid who had dared to remain on earth, this she regarded as a deliberate violation of family rules as well as a challenge to her authority. She vowed to find her and bring her back for the most severe punishment.  The queen mother dispatched troops to earth to look for her granddaughter, but it was a long time before they found out that she had married Cowherd and was living with him.Then one day the old lady herself went down to Cowherds hut. As he happened to be away in the fields, she grabbed Weaving Maid and began dragging her out. Weaving Maid looked back tearfully at her two children, crying on the doorstep. Her heart burned with hatred, there were many things she wanted to say, but she could only shout: "Quick, go and find Father!"  Cowherd hurried home, only to find reels of thread lying idle on half-finished cloth and rice steaming in the pot. He wanted to go in pursuit and rescue his wife, but how could he possibly fly up to heaven.? Then suddenly the words of the buffalo came to his mind. He hastily cloaked himself in the hide, found two baskets and put his children in them, then carried them out of door. As soon as he stepped outside, he found himself flying through the air, the wind whistling past his ears. It was not long before he saw his wife and the old woman in the distance. "Stop!" he shouted, "Im coming!"  The children, too, called to their mother. He drew nearer and nearer; soon he would overtake them. But suddenly the old woman pulled out a jade pin from her hair and drew a line with it in the air behind her. Alas, in an instant, a broad river appeared between Cowherd and his wife, its waves so high that he could not fly across. Thus the couple was separated, one on each side of the river, and while they could see each other across the waters, never again would they be able to live together. Today, they have become the stars Altair and Vega on either side of the Milky Wav.  Weaving Maid was severely punished, but she remained faithful to Cowherd and insisted that she be allowed to rejoin him. As time passed, the queen mother, unable to bend her by force or persuasion, relented and permitted them to meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.





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