The book Developing Professional Knowledge about Teachers represents a significant step forward in our work with teachers. This book provides a vital link between work on teachers voices, life-history and new patterns of analysis and pedagogy. The book fits into our growing understanding of the crisis of teacher education and of the representational crisis at the root of some of the problems. The Representational Crisis Educational study is again undergoing one of those recurrent swings of the pendulum for which the field is noted. But, as the contemporary world and global economies are transformed by rapid and accelerating change, such pendulum swings in scholarly paradigms seem to be alarmingly exacerbated. Hence, we see a set of responses to a specific structural dilemma in which educational study has become enmeshed. But alongside this, the field is becoming engulfed (though more slowly than in many fields) by a crisis of scholarly representation. A specific structural dilemma now becomes allied with a wider representational crisis.
Chapter One Introduction: Understanding Teachers in Changing ContextsChapter Two Navigating the Conceptual Landscape Mapping the Field The Knowledge-base for Teachers The Teachers' Voices Images and Metaphors Stories and Folkways Life-history and Critical IncidentsChapter Three Life-history Narrative Perspective Approaches to Studying Teachers What Is Life-history Narrative Perspective? On Narrative Life-history The Main Issues with Narrative Perspectives Why Life-history Narrative Perspective? Ethics and TrustworthinessChapter Four Diachronic Analysis Understanding Life-history Narrative as Data Diachronic and Synchronic Framework A Case of Intergenerational Analysis of Three Teachers. Change and Continuity Life-history as Learning to TeachChapter Five Synchronic Analysis Narrative Accounts of Two Novice Teachers Narrative Accounts of Five Experienced Teachers Narrative Accounts of a Veteran TeacherChapter Six Pedagogy as Caring Caring and Grammar Teaching Care for Those Who Care Chapter Seven Post-epiphanyAppendix 1 A Sample of Biographic-narrative InterviewAppendix 2 A Sample Follow-up ConversationReferencesList of Diagrams Diagram 1: Narrative research: th~ee-dimensional nature Diagram 2: Diachronic and synchronic analysis with metaphor, life-story and critical incident Diagram 3: A chart of key metaphors of the three generational teachers Diagram 4: Pedagogy intertwined with caring and grammar teaching
This chapter surveys the relevant works on teachers knowledge research and sets up the theoretical framework and the conceptual landscape for developing knowledge about teachers, by introducing the key concepts, such as the teachers voices, stories and folkways; image and/or metaphor. These notions are further linked up with life-history synthesized to generate professional knowledge in the field. Educational research has long been studying teachers and the nature of teaching, and it has been increasingly recognized that teachers themselves, as well as the methods and materials they use, are central to improving teaching and students learning (Calderhead, 1987; 1988; 1996; Elbaz, 1983; Shulman, 1987; Freeman and Johnson, 1998, 2006). Studies of teachers knowledge and professional lives (e.g. Ball and Goodson, 1985; Goodson, 1992; Goodson and Sikes, 2001; Huberman, 1989; Clandinin and Connelly, 1996, 2000; Wu, 2005; Zhao, 2008a) have further developed the knowledge base for recognizing the dialectic relationship between teachers understanding of teaching and the wider social contexts in which they teach and live. That, to some extent, has established a baseline foundation for developing professional knowledge about teachers and their work. The question as to what makes someone a good and able teacher provoked the study into the nature of the knowledge for, and of, teachers, and the sources of that knowledge. Their understanding of teaching and learning results from various learning experiences constitutes the major sources for teachers underlying knowledge that guide their day-to-day practice (Calderhead, 1988; Elbaz, 1983; Grossman, 1990; Shulman, 1999, 2006).
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