孟建国,陈晓玲 主编
现代经济的实际发展表明:国际贸易是经济发展的重要部分和强大动力。改革开放以来,外贸业务迅猛增长,这对中国经济乃至世界经济都贡献巨大,外贸人才的需求也随之越来越大。本书借鉴国内外外贸英语函电的结构与体系,紧密结合我国外贸业务的实际,通过大量的案例、实例,系统介绍了外贸业务活动中各种商务英语的格式与结构、写作特点、专业术语、常用专业词汇、相关句型和常见表达方式等,使学生通过实例,能举一反三,学以致用,从而提高外贸英语水平,熟练掌握外贸业务中常用的英语基本术语、表达技巧与技能。 本书倡导“工学结合、任务驱动、项目导向”的要求,一是在编写的每个单元、每个部分都明确工作任务,将外贸英语函电的工作任务定位为外贸英语函电表达,并将此任务分解到整个工作单元和工作过程;二是将外贸英语函电表达这一工作过程融入学习过程,工作场地融人教学场地,工作情景表现在教学情景中;三是职业资格融人考核标准。每单元都通过案例分析,启发引导学生思考和研习所学的内容。教材的编写融英语语言与外贸实务为一体,融函电与商务为一体,融思考与动手为一体,融案例分析与解决问题为一体,融教材与习题为一体,凸现了显性能力与隐形能力培养的结合。 本书在编写中突出了应用为主、够用为宜、贴近实际的原则,有助于培养学生尽快掌握技能,成为应用型、复合型、外向型的外贸人才。 本书按照外贸实务发展过程排列,共分14个单元。每个单元主要包括背景知识介绍、案例分析、课文、范例、生词、短语和习语、相关词汇和短语、参考表达和课后练习。
UNIT1 商务书信写作格式UNIT2 建立业务关系UNIT3 询盘及回复UNIT4 报盘和还盘UNIT5 促销UNIT6 订单和回执UNIT7 包装和运输UNIT8 支付方式UNIT9 开立、修改及延展信用证UNIT10 保险UNIT11 代理UNIT12 申诉和索赔UNIT13 电子函电UNIT14 贸易方式APPENDIXⅠ 词汇总表APPENDIXⅡ 参考文献
or other services. There are many forms being used in communication. It includes letters, telegrams, telexes, cables and electronic correspondence But it is clearly seen that business letter is still the main carrier of business communication. So it is the very important for students of business communication to master the skills of reading and writing a good business letter that presents ideas clearly to enable readers to understand with the least possible effort. A good business letter can play an important role in trade, increase friendship and obtain complete understanding between the parties involved. Business letter writing is one of the necessary business activities. Only when the letter which conveys the message is faultless can it be an effective business letter. So the following essential principles must be paid more attention to if you want to write an appropriate business letter. 1.1Principles of Business Letter Writing The most effective business letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. They must be friendly and courteous. We should keep the point in mind that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationship. Generally speaking, we need to apply some specific writing principles while writing a business letter. They are: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy.
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