

陈庆生,陈许 编 浙江大学出版社





陈庆生,陈许 编  




  今年夏初,杭州电子科技大学英美文学研究所所长陈许教授、外国语学院副院长高丙梁教授和英美文学教研室陈庆生副教授一行三人来河南高校学习考察,顺访我院,送来他们刚刚编写完成的《精编英国文学教程》和《精编美国文学教程》两书的书稿,恳请我在付梓之前协助审读。我早先知道该院开设的《英美文学导论》是一门广受同行赞誉、深受学生欢迎的课程,2007年被浙江省教育厅评为浙江省普通高校精品课程。因此,我想这是他们给我的一个学习的好机会,让我享受“先睹为快”的幸事,欣然同意。  于是,我利用暑假较仔细地翻阅了这套教材。这次阅读不仅使我重温了英美文学,同时也勾起了我对英美文学教学的种种回忆与遐想。  英美文学教学,特别是英国文学教学在我国有着悠久的历史。根据史料记载,鸦片战争之后,“洋务运动”的兴起和清廷外交事务的加重,迫切需要培养外语人才,从而大大推动了我国外语教育事业的发展。外语开始作为一门独立的学科列入各级学校的教学计划。专门培训外语人才的学校相继成立。1862年创立的京师同文馆首先设立英文馆,尔后又开设法文馆、俄文馆、日文馆等。上海、广州也分别于1883年和1884年成立了类似的外语学校。1898年我国第一所国立的综合性大学——京师大学堂成立,也就是北京大学的前身。1901年同文馆并入该校,改名为京师大学堂译学馆,相当于今日综合性大学中的外语院系,揭开了我国高校外语教育新的一页。英语是该馆的主要语种。  1911年孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命推翻了封建帝制,宣告了中华民国的诞生,至1949年国民党政府退出中国大陆,民国时期也就此结束。在这个时期我国高等教育和外语教学都有一定的发展,据不完全统计,新中国成立前夕,我国共有205所高等学校,其中4l所设有英语系或英语专业,专业教学都偏重文学,开设的课程多为英美小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧等,没有开设听、说、读、写、译等训练语言技能的课程,主要通过大量阅读文学作品和写作来提高外语水平和文化修养,深受当时英美高等学校英语系教学思想和方法的影响。




Part One Early and Medieval English Literature (449-1485)Geoffrey ChaucerThe Canterbury TalesPart Two The Sixteenth Century (1485——1603)William ShakespeareHamletThe Merchant of VeniceSonnet 18Sonnet 29Francis BaconOf StudiesPart Three The Seventeenth Century (1603——1700)John DonneSongA Valediction: Forbidding MourningGeorge HerbertVirtueAndrew MarvellTo His Coy MistressJohn MiltonParadise LostSonnet: On His BlindnessSonnet: On His Deceased WifeJohn DrydenAn Excerpt from An Essay of Dramatic PoesyPart Four The Eighteenth Century (1700——-1798)Alexander PopeAn Essay on CriticismDaniel DefoeRobinson CrusoeJonathan SwiftGullivers TravelsThomas GrayElegy Written in a Country ChurchyardWilliam BlakeLondonThe TygerThe Chimney SweeperThe Chimney SweeperRobert BurnsMy Hearts in the HighlandsA Red, Red RosePart Five The English Romanticism (1798——1832)William WordsworthShe Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysI Wandered Lonely as a CloudThe Solitary ReaperGeorge Gordon ByronSonnet on ChillonWhen We Two Are PartedShe Walks in BeautyPercy Bysshe ShelleySong to the Men of EnglandOde to the West WindJohn KeatsOde to a NightingaleJane AustenPride and PrejudiceCharles LambOld ChinaWilliam HazlittMacbeth Characters AnalysisPart Six The Victorian Age (1832——1900)Charles DickensOliver TwistWilliam Makepeace ThackerayVanity FairCharlotte BronteJane EyreEmily BrontieWuthering HeightsRobert BrowningMy Last DuchessThomas CarlyleHeroes and Hero-WorshipPart Seven The Twentieth Century (1901——1990s)Thomas HardyTess of the DUrbervillesGeorge Bernard ShawPygmalionEdward Morgan ForsterA Passage to IndiaDavid Herbert LawrenceSons and LoversVirginia WoolfMrs. DallowayWilliam Butler YeatsDown by the Salley GardenThe Lake Isle of InnisfreeSailing to ByzantiumWilfred OwenStrange MeetingThomas Stearns EliotThe Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockTed HughesHawk RoostingWilliam GoidingLord of the FliesDoris LessingA Sunrise on the VeldReferences


  Ⅰ. Historical Background  Early and medieval period covers more than 800 years, beginning with the invasion in large numbers of the three Germanic tribes into Britain during the 5th and 6th centuries. Prior to the invasion, Britain had been a province under the control of the Roman Empire between AD 43 and 410. Towards the end of the 4th century, with the withdrawal of the Roman troops, Britain came under an increasing pressure from continental barbarian attacks on all sides. The invasion of the three tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes marked a new era in the history of Britain.  1. The Anglo-Saxon Period (449——1066)  The Anglo-Saxon period begins with the immigration of three Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who came from the northern part of the European continent. Seemingly independent of each other, they were closely connected in terms of their Germanic cultural heritage. Before their invasion, Britain had been inhabited by the Celts——the native Britons. In their confrontation with the invasion, the native Celts fought bravely for their independence, but they failed to keep away their powerful enemies. Towards the end of the 5th century, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes succeeded in their conquest of Britain. In consequence of their final conquest, the English nation came into being. Their language, the English, also called Old English, became the dominant one in Britain.




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