

周建林 编 浙江大学出版社





周建林 编  




  《新课标培优专项通·英语随身读》是面向中学生的一套阅读辅助教材。初中每年级一册,共三册;高中每学期一册,共六册。入选的文章体裁多样,有对话、记叙、论说、说明、书信、广告等;题材广泛,涵盖文化、教育、历史、地理、科技、经济、友情、亲情、校园生活等。具有趣味性、时代性、可思性,与学生的学习、生活密切相关。每篇阅读配有少量形式多样的练习,以增进英语的习得。既可提高学生英语素养,又能增强学生的应试能力。  本册是《新课标培优专项通·英语随身读》的第五册,主要面向高中一年级第二学期的学生。全书有十个单元,每一个单元由同一主题的四篇短文组成。短文后配备了是非题、填空题、连线题、选择题等形式多样的自测题,可以帮助学生检测自己对短文的阅读理解程度,同时也有助于学生在具体的语言环境中更好地掌握词汇和语法要点。《新课标培优专项通:英语随身读(高一下)》所选材料短小精悍,引人入胜,是高一学生提高词汇量、扩展知识面、培养英语学习兴趣的好帮手。  总体而言,阅读理解能力包含以下几个方面:(1)理解文章的主旨和要义;(2)理解文章的具体信息;(3)根据上下文推断生词的词义;(4)依据文章做出简单的判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构;(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。在做多项选择题时,要注意以上能力的运用。另外,必须注意的是:答题总是以文章为依据,这就是说,答案要在文章里找到根据。  《新课标培优专项通·英语随身读》的编委有(以姓氏笔画为序):杜兴馨、陈国清、陈黎峰、张静燕、余霞、周建林、姜发兵、倪耀辉、曹雅娟。




英语阅读技巧突破UNIT 1 世界各国的节日 Text 1 新年庆祝与狂欢 Text 2 泼水节 Text 3 地球日:关注气候 Text 4 情人节UNIT 2 健康饮食 Text 1 多储备健康食品 Text 2 维生素 Text 3 夏季饮品 Text 4 垃圾食品UNIT 3 百万英镑 Text 1 哈姆雷特 Text 2 乐极生悲(一) Text 3 乐极生悲(二) Text 4 威廉·莎士比亚UNIT 4 天文学:研究星星的科学 Text 1 太空浮石 Text 2 日(月)食 Text 3 宇宙中有多少颗星星? Text 4 国际空间站走向多国合作UNIT 5 加拿大——“真正的北方” Text 1 游览奥克尼群岛 Text 2 最热、最干、最高 Text 3 智利 Text 4 加拿大文化UNIT 6 成功女性 Text 1 雨刮器的发明者 Text 2 伟大的博物学家兼科学作家 Text 3 美国甜心 Text 4 特雷莎嬷嬷UNIT 7 耕作 Text 1 土壤 Text 2 世界第三重要粮食作物 Text 3 生物多样性的重要性 Text 4 鱼类学家UNIT 8 品味英语幽默 Text 1 一位精明的商人 Text 2 一位慷慨的律师  Text 3 你是否见过 Text 4 幽默UNIT 9 身体语言UNIT 10 主题公园自我测评答案


  The Story of an Hour(Ⅰ)乐极生悲(一)  They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart. So they broke the bad news softly. Her husband, Brently, was dead.  "There was a train accident, Louise," said her sister, Josephine, quietly.  Her husbands friend, Richards, stood with Josephine. Richards brought the news, but Josephine told the story. She spoke in broken sentences.  "Richards...was at the newspaper office. News of the accident came. Louise... Louise, Brentlys name was on the list. Brently...was killed, Louise."  Louise did not hear the story eoldly, like some other women would. She could not close her mind or her heart to the news. Like a sudden storm, her tears broke out. She cried loudly in her sisters arms. Then, just as suddenly, the tears stopped. She went to her room alone. She wanted no one to be with her.  In front of the window stood an empty chair. She sat down and looked out the window. She was very tired after her tears. Her body felt cold, her mind and heart were empty.  Outside her window she could see the trees. The air smelled like spring rain. She could hear someone singing far away. Birds sang near the house. Blue sky showed between the clouds. She rested.  She sat quietly, but a few weak tears still fell. She had a young, strong face. But now her eyes showed nothing. She looked out the window at the blue sky. She was not thinking, or seeing. She was waiting.  There was something coming to her. She was waiting for it with fear. What was it? She did not know; she could not give it a name. But she felt it coming out from the sky. It reached her through the sound, the smell, the color of the air.  Slowly she became excited. Her breath came fast, her heart beat faster. She began to see this thing. It wanted to find her and take her. She tried to fight against it. But she could not. Her mind was as weak as her two small white hands. Then she stopped fighting against it. A little word broke from her lips.




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