刘延平,董亮 编
我们学习英语,所接触的语言素材多以书面语为主,对在各种交际场合中的语言表达积累较少,因此,在与来自英语国家的人交往或在英语国家生活、学习和工作时,言语失礼,进退失度,甚至无法沟通的情况屡见不鲜。为克服这些障碍,帮助读者提高使用英语进行交际的能力,让读者在社交场合与外国人交谈时,能够脱口而出,对答如流,我们编写了这本实用性、针对性非常强的《实用英语口语高频话题——社交英语口语》。 《实用英语口语高频话题:社交英语口语》贴近实际生活,通俗易懂,帮助读者在社交场合能够更加流畅自如地表达自己,使读者能够身临其境练习口语!
Part 1 Daily Communication日常交际Unit 1 Greeting and Introductions问候与介绍Unit 2 Thanking People致谢Unit 3 Invitations邀请Unit 4 Wishes and Congratulations祝愿与祝福Unit 5 Making an Appointment约会Unit 6 Seeing Old Friends老友重逢Unit 7 Seeing Patients探望病人Unit 8 BetweenNeighbors左邻右舍Unit 9 Seeing Off送别Part 2 At Work人在职场Unit 1 Recruiting招聘人才Unit 2 Applying for a Job寻找工作Unit 3 Greeting New Members迎接新成员Unit 4 Having a Meeting开会Unit 5 Receiving Guests接待来宾Unit 6 Requesting forAbsence请假Unit 7 Resigning and Firing辞职与解雇Unit 8 Raise and Promotion升职加薪Unit 9 About Career关于职业Part 3 Living Communication交际实况Unit 1 At the Hotel在旅馆Unit 2 At the Restaurant在餐馆Unit 3 At a Laundry在洗衣店Unit 4 At a Tailors在裁缝店Unit 5 Seeing a Doctor看医生Unit 6 Shopping购物Unit 7 In the Office在办公室Unit 8 At the Bank在银行Unit 9 Atthe Library在图书馆Part 4 Telephone Contact电话联络Unit 1 Waiting and Calling Back等候与回电Unit 2 Wrong Number打错电话Unit 3 At the End ofa Call结束电话Unit 4 Making a Hotel Reservation预订宾馆Unit 5 Leaving aMessage电话留言Unit 6 CallingforHelpin anEmergency紧急求救Unit 7 Ordering a Ticket预订票Unit 8 Requiring to Offer Service请求帮助Unit 9 Online Communication网络交际Part 5 Tone of Communication交际语气Unit 1 Compliments赞扬Unit 2 Inquiries询问Unit 3 Complaints抱怨Unit 4 Advice建议Unit 5 Requests请求Unit 6 Apologies道歉Unit 7 Encouragement鼓励Unit 8 Warning警告Unit 9 Anger and Sadness愤怒和悲伤Part 6 TalkonLife闲话生活Unit 1 Habits and Customs风俗习惯Unit 2 Getting Married结婚Unit 3 Family Life家庭生活Unit 4 Friendship友谊Unit 5 Parties聚会Unit 6 Likes and Dislikes喜欢与不喜欢Unit 7 Talking about Love谈情说爱Unit 8 About House关于房子Unit 9 Eating and Cooking饮食与烹饪