王立义,郑裕野 主编
初中英语新课程标准要求初中毕业生能读懂供7—9年级学生阅读的简单读物和报刊、杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略。能根据提示起草和修改小作文。显然,新课程标准非常强调语篇的阅读和理解能力的提升,以及初级写作能力的培养。而目前全国各地的中考卷,重难点和分值重点都布在完形填空、阅读理解和书面表达三大块。 围绕新课程标准和中考要求,我社组织编写了《真题+模拟 中考英语完形填空题选》、《真题+模拟 中考英语阅读理解题选》、《中考英语书面表达范文精选精读》三本辅导用书。大部分题目选自近三年来的全国各地中考真题,其科学性毋庸置疑,而且体裁多样,题目新颖,对学生复习备考有很大促进作用。书面表达的范文中画出了好词、好句,多加诵读对于学生培养语感有直接帮助,迅速提高书面表达水平。 日有所练,日有所诵,日有所获,学习是一个逐步积累的过程,而选择好的练习材料,有助于提升学习效果,事半功倍。希望你通过运用这一套练习材料,更快地提高你的学习成绩。
第一部分 广告图表类第二部分 人物故事类第三部分 新闻报道类第四部分 科普说明文类第五部分 说理小品类第六部分 地理历史风土人情类第七部分 任务型阅读类
There is another problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group. Often they can not find a person in time. If they have a way to keep the blood until someone needs it, they can always have the right kind of blood. At first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. They do this by making it very cold. Then they find how to keep it longer. In the end they find a way of keeping blood for a very long time. We call a place where we keep money a "bank". We call a place where we keep blood a "blood bank". One day, when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a "blood bank". In this way you may stop someone from dying. Or perhaps one day you may become ill. You may need blood. The "blood bank" will give it to you.