

朱瑞明,曹萍 主编 浙江大学出版社





朱瑞明,曹萍 主编  




  语言学习是一个反复实践的过程,为了让学生有更多的实践机会,以巩固语言基础,我们浙江大学城市学院公外教学部全体教师以及部分兄弟院校教师一起编撰了这本与《新编大学英语》教材配套的单元测试练习(1-5册)合订本。单元测试练习合订本共分5册(与《新编大学英语》1-5册配套),每册有10个单元测试,每个单元测试由5个部分组成:(1)正课文重点词汇选择题;(2)补充课文重点词汇选词填空题;(3)课文词组翻译题;(4)完型填空题或15选10词汇填空题;(5)阅读理解题或快速阅读理解题。  本练习已在本校反复使用多年,其间进行多次修改、完善。其中后三项题型模仿四六级新题型,使学生在使用中既巩固掌握该单元的语言基础,又了解适应四六级的新题型。




第1册 Quiz One Quiz Two Quiz Three Quiz Four Quiz Five Quiz Six Quiz Seven Quiz Eight Quiz Nine Quiz Ten第2册 Quiz One Quiz Two Quiz Three Quiz Four Quiz Five Quiz Six  Quiz Seven Quiz Eight  Quiz Nine Quiz Ten第3册 Quiz One Quiz Two Quiz Three Quiz Four  Quiz Five  Quiz Six Quiz Seven Quiz Eight Quiz Nine Quiz Ten第4册 Quiz One  Quiz Two  Quiz Three Quiz Four  Quiz Five  Quiz Six Quiz Seven Quiz Eight Quiz Nine Quiz Ten第5册 Quiz One  Quiz Two  Quiz Three Quiz Four Quiz Five Quiz Six Quiz Seven Quiz Eight Quiz Nine Quiz Ten


  Animals bite for all sorts of reasons, dncluding teething, fear, a desire to play, and illness. There are lots of steps you can take to curb this behavior, but if you ever feel frightened by a pet that bites, its time to call your vet or an animal behaviorist.  If you have a large, powerful dog that bites, contact a professional trainer before someone gets hurt. Dont ever try to hit, shake, or physically confront a biting dog. That serves only to worsen the confrontation, and you or someone else is liable to be injured.  You can lessen the chances that your dog will grow up to be a biter by making sure the animal gets lots of human contact early. When you bring the puppy home, start a set of handling rules right away. Pet the dog often. Handle his paws and gently rub his ears.  That will teach the dog that being touched by a human is a social interaction to look forward to, not fear. When the puppy is comfortable with the immediate family, invite friends or neighbors over to handle and play with her. This will reinforce the lesson.  One way to keep your dog from biting a stranger-even if your dogs not a biter-is to set boundaries around your dog with other people. Just as you wouldnt let a stranger walk up to you and pick up your child, step in when someone you dont know approaches your dog to pet her. Ask the stranger to approach the dog quietly and calmly and to hold out her hand with the palm down and the fingers under the thumb in a fist (to protect the fingers). That way the dog can get a good whiff of the person right away.




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