Selenoproteins and Mimics硒蛋白及其模拟物
刘俊秋,罗贵民,牟颖 主编
Junqiu Liu·Guimin Luo·Ying
刘俊秋,is a professor at the State Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, Jilin University, China. Guimin Luo is a professor at the Key Lab of Molecular Enzymology and Engi-neering of the Ministry of Education, lilin University, China.牟颖,is a professor at the State Key Lab of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, and guest professor at the Key Lab of Molecular Enzymology and Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Jilin University, China.
1 Glutathione Peroxidases
2 Thyroid Hormone Deiodinases
3 Thioredoxin Reductase
4 Selenophosphate Synthetase
5 Selenoprotein P
6 Selenoprotein T
7 Selenoprotein W
8 Selenoprotein Biosynthesis
9 Bioinformatics of Selenoproteins
10 Selenoproteins and Atherosclerosis
11 Selenoproteins and Brain Diseases
12 Selenoproteins and Thyroid Cancer
13 Selenoproteins and Selenium Speciation in Food
14 Synthetic Mimics of Selenoproteins
15 Cyclodextrin-based Mimics of Selenoproteins
16 Semisynthesized Selenoproteins
17 Selenium-containing Catalytic Antibodies
18 Biosynthetic Mimics of Selenoproteins
19 Nanoenzymes as Selenoprotein Mimics
20 Selenprotein Mimics and Diseases
版权页:插图:A role for THs in female reproduction has been suggested for a number of years.Enigmatically, iodine appears to concentrate in the ovary second only to the thyroid. This uptake varies with sexual activities and is enhanced by estrogens and a hypothyroid state and blocked by goitrogens. The physiological significance of ovarian iodine-uptake is yet to be elucidated. Recently, Slebodzinski [73] showed the presence of deiodinase activity capable of generating T3 in the follicular fluid within the ovary of several mammals, suggesting that T3 may be important for oocyte-maturation. Although the testis was long thought to be TH-unresponsive,the D2 enzyme has now been shown to be active in rat testis, where it is concentrated in the spermatids, again suggesting a role for T3 in gamete maturation [74]. Moreover, Anguiano et al.
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