
Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services 社区服务的动态提供技术

齐力,金海 著 浙江大学出版社





齐力,金海 著  




  Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services outlines a dynamic provisioning and maintenzince mechanism in a running distributed system, e.g. the grid,which can be used to maximize the utilization of computing resourccs and user clemands. The book indudes a complete and reliable-maintenance system solution for the large-scale distributed system and an interoperation mechanism for the grid middleware deployed in the United States, Furope and China. The experiments and evaluations have all been practically implemented for ChinaGrid,and the best practices establishee can help readers to construct reliable distributed systems.  This book is intended for researchers, developers, and graduate students in the fields of grid computing, service-oriented architecture and dynamic maintenance for large distributed systems.


  Li Qi is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Director of the R&D Center for the Internet of Things at the Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security (TRIMPS), China. Hai Jin is a Professor and the Director of Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.


1 Provisioning and Maintenance1.1 History ofSoftware Maintenance1.1.1 Maintenance in Software Engineering1.1.2 Dynamic Maintenance1.2 MaintenanceProvisioning1.2.1 ServerProvisioning1.2.2 UserProvisioning1.3 Characteristics and Challenges1.3.1 Provisioning Characteristics1.3.2 Challenges1.4 Distributed and Service-Oriented Dynamic Provisioning1.4.1 TargetSystem1.4.2 Related Products1.4.3 Related Standards1.5 SummaryReferences2 Grid and Distributed Systems2.1 FundamentaIConcepts2.2 The Principles ofGrids2.2.1 Service-Oriented Architecture2.2.2 Open Grid Service Architecture2.3 Grid Middleware2.3.1 Globus Toolkit2.3.2 CGSP2.3.3 gLite2.3.4 UNICORE2.3.5 ProActive2.4 Dynamic Provisioning in Middleware2.4.1 Provisioning ofMiddleware2.4.2 Provisioning Using Middleware2.5 ChinaGrid and Related Projects2.5.1 CGSV2.5.2 GPE4CGSP2.5.3 ApplicationGrids2.6 SummaryReferences3 Highly Available Dynamic Deployment Infrastructure3.1 Motivation        3.2 Principle ofDynamic Deploymentlnfrastructure3.2.1 Dynamic Deployer Core3.2.2 DeployApproachManager3.2.3 Service Package Manager3.3 Service-Level vs. Container-Level3.3.1 HAND-C: Container-Level Deployment3.3.2 HAND-S: Service-Level Deployment3.3.3 ServiceDependency3.3.4 AvoidDeadlock3.3.5 Time CostAnalysis3.4 PerformanceAnalysis3.4.1 Dynamic Deployment Experiments3.4.2 Capability and Availability in Dynamic Environment3.4.3 GAR File Transfer Performance3.5 SummaryReferences4 Service-Oriented Dependency-Aware Maintenance4.1 Dependency-AwareMaintenance4.2 Motivations4.2.1 Concepts4.2.2 Dependencies in a Grid4.2.3 Maintaining Solution and Dependencies4.2.4 Objectives4.3 Definitions4.4 Design ofCobweb Guardian4.4.1 Architecture4.4.2 Environment Dependency-Aware Maintenancein Three Granularities4.4.3 Deployment Dependency-Aware Propagating Maintenance4.4.4 Invocation Dependency-Aware Grouping Maintenance4.4.5 Grouping Maintenance with Feedback……5 Asynchronous Provisioning Strategy for Heterogeneous Grids6 Orchestrating Provisioning among Heterogeneous Middleware7 Implementation of Dynamic Provisioning with Community Services8 Conclusions and Future ChallengesGlossaryIndex




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