

吴芬 复旦大学











随着我国对外开放力度的不断加大,英语学习的目的与使用范围已日趋多元化,对既熟悉国际商务又熟练掌握英语的高级复合型人才的需求也越来越大。正是基于这种广泛的社会需求,复旦大学出版社与牛津大学出版社合作,引进广受赞誉的牛津商务英语系列教程。全书分别为《成功通话》、《成功交际》 、《成功会谈》、《成功演讲》和《成功谈判》。 牛津大学出版社以出版高质量英语教材驰名,该套英语系列教材有着鲜明的风格与特点:一是实用性强,书中的每一选题都来自经济和商务活动,使读者通过学习对人的起点,通过VCD和录音带等模拟商务活动的真实场景,让读者得以进入商务实践,并在实践中获得技能的提升。


Introduction 1 what is the point?2 making a start3 linking the parts4 the right kind of language5 visual aids6 body language7 finishing off 8 question time9 putting it all togetherPresentation practice extension activities


  6、Your students could do this individually or in small groups.Some basic features you can look for here are things like a clear heading,number of points,amount oftext and so on.Ask your students to present their visual to the rest of the group.This will lead neatly into the next section,where you can review and extend their knowledge and use of the appropriate language for referring to visual information.  Language knowledge 12 These exercises focus mainly on the vocabulary we use to talk about trends,charts and graphs.In 1,it may be necessary to play the cassette extract twice,the first time for general comprehension,the second time to listen for more specific information.For general comprehension,you could ask if he situation for Marvotto has improved or deteriorated over the last five years.  Draw your students'attention to some of the more common functional expressions such as I'd fike to draw your attention to..,As you can see…,and Let's look at,or to time markers like over the last ten years,over the next five years,since then or during the same period.You could also discuss how the charts in the Language focus section can best be used.For example,a pie chart is obviously used t0 illustrate market shares.a flow chart to demonstrate processes and procedures,and so on.(Note that in general a table is rarely an effective medium for a presentation;it does not lend itself to the rapid assimilation of data,and works better in a report when the reader has more time to refer to the information.)  3、These sentences could all come from parts of a presentation accompanied by a visual.It is therefore useful to discuss briefly the subject of the visual,for examplesales,the team,the companyorwe.Clearly this subject will influence the speaker's choice of transitive or intransitive verbs.  4、Students frequently have difficulty with adjectives and adverbs in these forms,and in particular whether they combine with the noun or the verb.You may find that you need to demonstrate this distinction even for quite advanced students.This exercise should help to clarify these combinations and provide practice in changing from one to the other  Presentation practicel This activity would work well ifthe class was divided into two groups.One group could focus on sales and profits,the other on the markets.Each group should prepare their visuals,either collectively or individually.   ……


  《牛津商务英语教程:成功演讲(教师参考书)(中国版)》由复旦大学出版社引进的牛津商务英语教程(中国版)是一套面向21世纪、为培养复合型人才而编著的专业英语教材。本套书内容是根据英国约克市内家专业语言和交际培训公司York Associates的教材研发而成,涉及商务英语最典型的范畴,即成功通话、成功交际、成功会谈、成功演讲和成功谈判。  牛津商务英语教程(中国版)抓住商务英语技能这一关键,以语言功能为主线,训练学生语言综合应用能力。




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