表面物理是凝聚态物理中的一个新兴分支。如以1964年《表面科学》杂志的创刊作为这一新学科正式问世的标志,其历史迄今正好为40年。自20世纪70年代中以来,随着最强有力的表面分析工具———电子能谱仪的商品化,表面物理获得了迅猛发展。为跟上这一发展势头、满足对表面研究人才日益增长的需求,我们从80年代初开始为复旦大学物理系的研究生开设了《表面物理》和《表面分析技术》两门课。本书是在历年教案的基础上精缩这两门课的内容后写成的。为使其符合用作研究生入门教材的要求,我们力图在书中给出简捷的物理图像,而不是冗长的数学推导,着重阐述什么是表面物理中最基本的问题以及如何从实验上对这些问题进行研究,并尽可能将这一领域的最新研究进展都包括进去。书中的例子绝大部分来自原始研究论文,包括我们自己的论文。 作为一门与化学、材料科学、信息技术乃至生物学有密切关联的课程,《表面物理与表面分析》在内容安排上可以有许多不同选择。因此,如何从浩瀚的文献中挑选出最合适的材料,使本书能在有限的篇幅范围内包含尽可能多的有价值信息,实在颇费斟酌。现在的内容选择是设想学习这门课的大部分学生将来不一定从事表面研究,但在他们的研究工作中迟早可能会有机会用某些表面分析技术表征 2 Surface Physics and Surface Analysis 材料和样品。因此,我们在书中收入的内容除表面原子结构和表面电子态的基本知识外,还有适用于众多研究领域的最常用的表面分析技术。至于以后专门从事表面科学某一领域研究或对此有兴趣的人,很容易从图书馆或因特网找到最新的和进一步的参考读物。 本书共八章。第一、六、七章由王迅撰写,二至四章由杨新菊撰写,五、八两章由丁训民撰写。全书由王迅最后统稿。谨将此书献给复旦大学100周年校庆。
This textbook provides an lntroduction to surface physics, a growing branch of condensed matter physics,by presenting some basic concepts and techniques commonly used in characterizing solid surfaces at a level suitable for senior undergraduate and new graduate students.The aim is to introduce readers to the fundamentals of modern surface science and relevant methodology from a physics perspective. The book consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the subject. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 are mainly concerned with surface atomic structures and the major techniques for structural analysis-electron diffraction and scanning probe microscopy. Chapter 5 deals with surface electronic states.Chapters 6,7 and 8 focus on various electron spectroscopies, Including Auger electron,X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopies for both composition and electron-state analyses.As a text, It is designed for use in a one-semester course,featuring the presentation of simple physical pictures rather than detailed mathematical derivations.The book will also be of interest to scientists and engineers working in any field where an overview of surface analysis is needed.
丁训民,1946年7月出生于上海。1970年毕业于复旦大学物理系,留校任教至今。其间曾以访问学者身份去德国、日本、瑞典、香港等国家和地区工作,现为复旦大学物理系教授。主要从事表面物理等课程的教学和半导体表面与界面等方面的研究,已在国内外学术刊物上发表论文一百多篇,撰写过《同步辐射应用概论》和《论表面分析及其在材料研究中的应用》中的部分章节。因在用电子能谱方法研究半导体表面的物理和化学特性方面作出贡献,荣获2003年上海市科技进步一等奖。 杨新菊,1966年11月出生于浙江。1988年毕业于复旦大学物理系,1994年在复旦大学材料科学系获得博士学位,留校任教至今。现为复旦大学物理系副教授,从事表面物理的教学和科研工作,以及硅基低维材料的制备及性质研究。 王迅,1934年4月生于上海。1960年1月复旦大学研究生毕业。1984年起任复旦大学教授,1996年起任复旦大学首席教授。1999年当选为中国科学院院士。现从事半导体物理、表面和界面物理,以及硅基低维量子体系的研究。
PREFACEChapter1 Introduction1.1 Characteristics of Surface1.1.1 Unique Characteristics of Surface1.1.2 The Subjects of Surface Physics1.2 Methodology of Surface Science1.2.1 General Idea1.2.2 Category of Surface analyticalTechnologies1.3 Electron Spectroscopy1.3.1 Energy Distribution of Secondary Electrons1.3.2 Mean Free Path and Surface Sensitivity1.4 Surface Cleaning Processes1.4.1 Clean Surface versusNative Surface1.4.2 Methods of Preparing Clean SurfacesChapter2 Surface Atomics tructures2.1 Two Dimensional Crystallography2.1.1 Periodicity and Symmetry of Surface Unit Cell2.1.2 PointGroup and Plane Group2.1.3 Nomenclature of Surface Structures2.1.4 Reciprocal Lattice2.2 Atomic Structures of Ideal Surfaces2.2.1 Surface Structures of Metals2.2.2 Surfaces of Crystalline Compounds and Alloys2.3 Surface Relaxation and Reconstruction2.3.1 Surface Relaxation2.3.2 Surface reconstruction2.4 Surface Defects2.4.1 PointDefects2.4.2 Dislocations2.4.3 Atomic StepsChapter3 Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction3.1 Principles3.1.1 Brief of the Diffraction in Three Dimensions3.1.2 Electron Diffraction in Two Dimensions3.2 Apparatus3.2.1 LEED Optics3.2.2 Spot Profile Analysis LEED3.2.3 Measurement of I-V Curves3.2.4 Shield and Compensation of Stray Electromagnetic Field3.3 Pattern Recognition3.3.1 Diffraction Orders3.3.2 Pattern Transform3.3.3 LEED Patterns of Stepped Surfaces3.4 LEED I-V3.4.1 Experimental and Theoretical I-V Curves3.4.2 R Factor3.5 Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction3.5.1 Principle3.5.2 RHEED Analysis3.5.3 RHEED Intensity Oscillation3.6 Appendix3.6.1 Compilation of LEED Patterns3.6.2 Compilation of RHEED PatternsChapter4 Scanning Probe Microscopy4.1 General Concept4.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy4.2.1 Basic Principle4.2.2 Apparatus4.2.3 WorkingModes and Conditions4.2.4 STM Imaging4.2.5 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy4.2.6 STM Nanofabrication and Atom Manipulation4.3 Atom ic ForceMicroscopy4.3.1 Principle4.3.2 Apparatus4.3.3 WorkingModes of AFM4.3.4 Lateral Force Microscopy4.4 Other Types of Scanning Probe Microscopy4.4.1 Scanning Magnetic Force Microscopy4.4.2 Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy4.4.3 Ballistic Electron Emission MicroscopyChapter5 Surface Electronic States5.1 Existence of Localized Electronic States at Surfaces5.1.1 Bulk States and Surface States5.1.2 Surface States in One-dimensional Models5.2 Surface Dangling Bond States5.2.1 Dangling Bond and Its Hybrid5.2.2 Dangling Bond States at Reconstructed Surfaces5.2.3 Dangling Bond States and Fermi Level Pinning5.3 Adsorbate Induced Electronic States5.3.1 Adsorption Phenomena5.3.2 Adsorbate-induced Work Function Changes5.3.3 Metal-induced Gap States(MIGS)Chapter6 Auger Electron Spectroscopy6.1 Principle6.1.1 Auger Process6.1.2 Energy of Auger Electron6.1.3 Yield and Cross-section6.1.4 Differential Spectra and Count Spectra6.2 Apparatus and Experimental Methods6.2.1 Experimental Setup6.2.2 Experimental Conditions6.3 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis6.3.1 Element Identification6.3.2 Quantitative Composition Analysis6.3.3 Chemical Analysis6.4 Depth Profiling6.4.1 Purpose and Methods6.4.2 Profile of Compositions6.4.3 Interface Location 1986.5 Scanning Auger Microscopy6.5.1 Line-scan6.5.2 Auger Map6.5.3 Spatial ResolutionChapter7 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy7.1 Principle7.1.1 Three Step Process of Photoemission7.1.2 Binding Energy7.2 Apparatus7.2.1 X-ray Sources7.2.2 Electron Energy Analyzer7.2.3 Detectors7.3 Qualitative Analysis7.3.1 Energy Calibration7.3.2 Peak Discrimination7.3.3 Element Identification7.4 Quantitative Analysis7.4.1 Quantification Methods7.4.2 Background Subtraction7.4.3 Peak Decomposition7.4.4 Depth Profile and Depth Information7.5 Chemical States Studies7.5.1 Chemical Shift7.5.2 Charging Effect and Compensation7.6 Appendix-Electron binding energies of elements in periodic tableChapter8 Ultra-Violet Photoelectron Spectroscopy8.1 Principle8.1.1 UPS versus XPS8.1.2 Basic Process8.1.3 Selection Rules and Wavefunction Symmetry8.2 Light Sources8.2.1 Discharge Lamp8.2.2 Monochromator and Polarizer8.2.3 Special Synchrotron Radiation Sources8.3 Applications8.3.1 Identification of Surface Electronic States8.3.2 Mapping of Surface and Bulk Bands8.3.3 Identification of Adsorbates:Species and Adsorption SitesReferences