

周维家,葛萍 主编 复旦大学出版社





周维家,葛萍 主编  




  现代经济发展的实践表明,国际贸易是经济增长的强大推动力。第二次世界大战后,国际贸易的迅速发展在全球范围内引起了国际分Z-体系的革命性变革和福利分配格局的重组,极大地促进了经济增长。中国实行改革开放和加入世界贸易组织,加快了对外开放的步伐,外贸业务增长迅速,对外贸易对经济增长的贡献度不断提高,市场对外贸人才的需求急剧增加。  为了适应国际经济理论的不断创新与拓展以及外贸业务发展的需要,加快培养出更多掌握经济学理论知识、具有良好的外语基础、熟悉WTO的游戏规则、了解国际惯例、熟悉国际市场运作规则、具有敏


本书采用双语形式,旨在帮助大专院校相关专业的学生以及从事国际贸易的人士了解并掌握有关国际贸易方面的一些基本理论和实际知识,提高他们在国际经贸交往活动中的见识与能力。 本书共分八个单元,主要内容有:国际贸易概论、国际贸易理论、经济一体化、多国公司,国际贸易政策措施、国际营销、关税及贸易总协定和世贸组织、中国外贸体制变革及发展等部分。 为了便于教学或自学,每章后面还附有大量练习和补充阅读材料,以及词汇、注释的中英文对照。此外,我们在书的最后编写了总词汇以及各章练习答案,方便读者自学、查阅。


Unit One An Overview of International Business Ⅰ An Introduction to International Business 1. Definitions 2. Why Nations Trade? Ⅱ History of International Trade Ⅲ Protection or Free Trade? Ⅳ MNCs and Globalization 1. Global Exchange 2. Have a Break Ⅴ Effects of Technology on International Business Vocabulary Notes Related Terms Post-reading Activities Supplementary ReadingUnit Two Theories of International Business Ⅰ The Age of Mercantilism Ⅱ The Theory of Absolute Advantage Ⅲ The Theory of Comparative Advantage Ⅳ The Factor Proportions Trade Theory Ⅴ The Leontief Paradox Ⅵ The Product Cycle Theory Protectionism Vocabulary Notes Related Terms Post-reading Activities Supplementary ReadingUnit Three Economic Integration Ⅰ Levels of Economic Integration 1. Preferential Trade Arrangement (PTA) 2. The Free Trade Area(FTA) 3. The Customs Union 4. The Common Market 5. The Economic Union 6. Monetary Union Ⅱ European Integration Ⅲ North American Economic Integration Ⅳ Integration in Asia 1. ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA) 2. The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) 3. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Vocabulary Notes Related Terms Post-reading Activities Supplementary ReadingUnit Four Multinational Corporations Ⅰ The Multinational Corporate Phenomenon 1. Definitions of the Multinational Corporation  ……Unit Five Instruments of Trade PolicyUnit Six International MarketingUnit Seven GATT and WTOUnit Eight Market Transition and Development in ChinaAppendix Ⅰ VocabularyAppendix Ⅱ Key to the Exercises


  International Marketing  Marketing, more than any other business function, deals with customers.Although we will soon explore more-detailed definitions of marketing, perhaps thesimplest definition is this one: Marketing is the process of focusing the resourcesand objectives of an organization on environmental opportunities and needs. It isthe link between the organization and the people who buy and use its goods andservice. It is the way organizations determine buyer needs and inform potentialcustomers that their firms can meet those needs by supplying a quality product at areasonable price. And it is the path to developing loyal, long-term customers.Although we may have many different definitions about Marketing, the first andmore fundamental fact about marketing is that it is universal discipline. Marketingis a set of concepts, tools, theories, practices and procedures, and experiences.Together, these elements constitute a teachable and learnable body of knowledge.  During the past three decades, the concept of marketing has changeddramatically. It has evolved from a focus on the product and on marketing a"better" product where better was on internal standards and values. The objectivewas profit, and the means to achieving the objective was selling, or persuading thepotential customer to exchange his or her money for the companys product.  Marketing can be defined as a series of activities leading to an exchangetransaction between a seller and a buyer at a profit. Marketing activities center onan organizations efforts to satisfy customer wants and needs with products andservices that offer competitive value. It is defined as a social and managerialprocess by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want throughcreating and exchanging value with others. Sound marketing is crucial to thesuccess of every organization——large or small, for-profit or not-for-profit,domestic or global.






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