姚林生 编著
本书特为白领和准白领而写,内容包含英语会话和面试。以中、美、英为会话背景是拙作的特色,其实用性是不言而喻的。 第一部分“会话”是为了(准)白领及英语爱好者尽快提高英语口语的实际能力,适应社会发展的需要而编写。课文英语经外国专家审阅,表达力求地道、活泼,内容符合白领及大学(毕业)生的需要,也符合出国工作或学习者的需要。 有不少白领因为在校时没有练好口语,在以后的工作面试中痛失了理想的机会,也有不少人因无法用正确的英语表达而给自己的涉外工作带来诸多不便和尴尬。 任何会话必须是思想、信息、感情的有意义的交流。有些人由于不了解英语国家的习俗而谈话不得体,这种不得体的语言往往不被英语国家人所理解,有的甚至因误解而造成严重后果。笔者根据多年从事外事工作的经验体会到在实际语言交际中,一些常用的语句往往包含着极其复杂的结构模式,绝不是“一句对一句”那样简单。本书会话部分以情景为纲,以语言的表达功能为素材,尤其以句型为学外语的捷径(每课中均附有句型供熟读背诵),使读者能针对一定的交际环境来使用语言。 第二部分是“面试”。如今,人才的作用和价值越来越被社会所重视,每个人都应该靠自身的素质和就业能力在寻找新职业的同时给自己一个新的人生定位,实现自身的价值。而参加人才交流洽谈会和求职面试是大有学问的,如果求职者掌握了一定的规则就可以逢凶化吉、摆脱困境,使成功的概率大大提高。本书列出的英语问答题均是笔者从英语国家精心收集所得,符合西方的思维方式和习惯,对面试的诠释包含了许多成功的诀窍,可作应试及出国参考。
《白领职场英语》专为渴望提高英语交际能力的(准)白领编写,以地道的西方职场英语为核心内容,分“会话”、“面试”两部分,内容丰富,注释详尽,实用性强,覆盖面广。 “会话”部分经外籍专家严格审阅,以职场情景划分单元、以实用句型为教学主线,力求地道生动,使读者能针对不同交际环境迅速掌握职场英语的窍门。“面试”部分的素材均精心采选自英语国家,符合英美职场思维方式和面试习惯,试题诠释中包含大量获取成功的诀窍,是参加英语求职面试的必备攻略。 《白领职场英语》作者为复旦大学资深教师,兼有多年从事外事工作的经历,对职场英语学习尤具独到见解。
第一部分 会话Unit1 Will I Be Able to Get a Job?Unit2 Job InterviewUnit3 Work at Business OfficeUnit4 Experience Necessary for ReceptionUnit5 Showing Guests or Visitors AroundUnit6 The Skill in NegotiationUnit7 Discussing the Scope of SupplyUnit8 Talks about the Contents of the ContractUnit9 Signing the ContractUnit10 Setting Up a Joint VentureUnit11 Enterta in Partners at DinnerUnit12 Chat During Office BreakUnit13 Making a Telephone CallUnit14 Keeping Money in a BankUnit15 VisitingUnit16 Just What the Doctor OrderedUnit17 Traveling and SightseeingUnit18 Something Important About Airport and FlightUnit19 Its Better to Have Hotel ReservationUnit20 What Means of Transportation Do You Have?Unit21 Be Punctual for Appointment and DateUnit22 Id Like to Go to a Library,Then to Post OfficeUnit23 Hunting for HouseUnit24 A Party at Nancys New FlatUnit25 Enjoying Recreational ActivitiesUnit26 Ta lking Over with the PoliceKey to the Exercises第二部分 面 试附录 习惯语、成语和谚语在交际中的应用
Good morning, Judy. Did you think I wasnt coming this morning? Oh, no. 1 knew youd let me know if you couldnt get here. Anything important come up yet? I suppose youve looked over the mail? Yes, nothing unusual but theres a letter from your daughter. Its all sorted on your desk. A Mr. Hewitt called about fifteen minutes ago. He asked me to have you call him between ten-thirty and twelve if its convenient for you, otherwise hell call back this afternoon. He said our price is still too high. So its difficult for him to accept it. What is your opinion? I jotted this phone number down on your memo pad. Thanks. Id like to hear their ideas about the problem. Would you mind having him call me sometime later? The best compromise we can make is that we adjust the price for them if they buy in bulk. Morning, Judy. Got anything else to go to the other offices? Good morning, Hazel. Can you wait just a minute? Mr. McRae, I have that memorandum you dictated to me last night. Do you want to read it over now and initial it so that Hazel can take it? OK, here you are, Hazel. Now dont you go flirting with all the little steno girls out there? Mr. McRae, Ive brought a se-ries of catalogues on our latest models with me. All of them meet the require-ments. Would you like to look over them?